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"It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend."
- William Blake

Blood, blood, blood. It's everywhere, it feels good. "queen..." Damons voice echoes in my head. "It's about time to raise hell in this little town." I whisper to myself as I glide my hand on the wall.


"My daughter is here and I'm taking her back to New Orleans." Klaus is now in Damons face. He doesn't flinch but stands their with a smirk. "Okay...and you're telling me this because?" Damon continues to walk toward the park.

"What is she up to Damon, what is she about to do." It wasn't a question. Damon sighed and rest his hand in Klaus's shoulder. "She wants to kill. A lot of people."


My plan is about to start and it can't go wrong. No one can get in my way this time. Nobody.

"H-hope." A familiar voice creeped behind me. I turned to face Lukas. Of all people it had to be him.

"You can't go through with this, children are here,families Hope. Stop." Lukas grabbed my shoulders and looked me in the eye. "Don't do this, it isn't you."


"Did you ever think you'd see me again?"
Klaus's mouth drops as he eyes the girl in front of him. "Davina? How are you here?" She smiles and shakes her head "Doesn't matter now does it? I'm here and I'm here to help your daughter destroy some people. I think I like her more than you."

She tries to walk away but Klaus yanks her back to him. "What are you going to do. Answer me!"

"Let's just say. You guys have some hell to pay."


"Lukas leave here now and don't come back. Things are about to get ugly." I warned him. Sadly he didn't listen, big mistake.

Instead he did something that I'd never done before. He leaned in inches away from my face. "Okay." He said as he connected his lips with mine. It felt nice and for once in my life I didn't feel lonely.

I tried to pull away but his lips stayed locked on mine. I gave up and sank into his arms. "Hope, I'm going to miss you."

"I am too." After that he was gone in a flash.

Hope Mikaelson  ➸ The Originals [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now