part 34

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[vanessa's pov]
i finally earned my last credit & i'm graduating early. it's december 16th.
snow coats the ground & the trees.
as soon as i received my diploma, my parents and friends congratulated me.
little did they know, this celebration is getting cut short. i turn 18 on january 7th.. and i know in my heart, my body, my mind & my soul that i cannot stay here.
cody & i are sitting by my uncle's fireplace, drinking hot chocolate.
"vanessa?" he asks.
i set my mug down on the wooden coffee table.
i face him, awaiting his response.
he sets his mug down next to mine and kneels on the floor.
what the hell?
he pulls a box from his back pocket. oh fuck.
no. this is not happening, it can't happen. not now.
"cody..." i start.
he places one hand on my leg, "don't.. just let me finish, please."
i take a deep breathe and let him continue.
"vanessa.. from the day that i met you in that parking lot.. i knew you were special. that you were different than anyone i had ever met. i instantly had a connection with you, i wanted to do everything with you.. do anything for you. i love you more than anything in this universe. i know we're both young & marriage is something that is maybe not suitable now.. but vanessa, i'm willing to wait. to fight for you. to be there by your side no matter what. you make me so happy.. so i present you with this," he opens the black velvet box, "as a promise to you. someday, maybe marriage.. but now, i promise to love you unconditionally. will you accept my promise to you?" he bites on his lip awaiting my reply.
it's a promise.. i know he's just going to get hurt by me.. but i love him. i love spending time with him.. and marriage is something i can't even begin to fathom right now.. but it's just a promise.
vanessa, you love him.
"cody, yes i accept your promise." a smile spreads across my face as he slides the ring onto my finger.
it's so beautiful.
"i know how much you love roses & rose gold.. i thought it fit pretty well. it's a diamond accented 10K rose gold promise ring. i really hope you like it, vanessa. i promise to love you unconditionally & be by your side through it all." he says with tears in his eyes.
how the hell do i leave him now? this is awful timing. i have to think of something.

before tomorrow.

[caleb's pov]
i scroll through facebook out of boredom. i see vanessa's big smile on my timeline. her mom posted a picture of them.

so proud of my daughter, she graduated today. love you, sweetie!

i want to congratulate her. it's a friendly gesture.
"janice? i'm running a quick errand." i call out to her. she rushes to me.
she holds onto my arm, "ooh! errand, can i come?"
"actually, not this time. it's important, i'm sorry." i gently pull her hand off my arm and give her a quick kiss on the cheek before walking out the door.

when i arrive to her apartment, her car isn't in the parking lot. strange.
i walk up to the main door and ring the buzzer to her apartment.
her mom greets me at the door, "caleb! how unexpected. what can i do for you?"
"is vanessa home?" i ask, leaning against the wall.
"she's actually at her uncle's right now.. would you like the address?" she pulls out her phone.
"yes. yes i would, thank you." i grin.

[vanessa's pov]
"you know how much i love this movie." i say to cody as he turns on "10 things i hate about you" on the flatscreen.
i'm wearing a gray sweater my great grandma knitted for me, black leggings and fuzzy socks.
cody wears black sweatpants and a gray hoodie with pizza socks.
i wouldn't trade these cozy moments for the world.
i've come to accept the whole situation of what my life has become & the pain dulls more and more every day.
my uncle remains in his studio, painting a new project he's been working on.
he's an artist and his work is so crazy cool.
"i love you." i tell cody as he joins me again on the couch. "i love you most." he kisses my forehead. i lean into his chest, my legs folded on the couch. he stretches his legs on the coffee table.
the fireplaces crackles slightly as the movie begins.
i look up at cody, "heath ledger is such an absolutely amazing actor."
"you just have a crush on him, baby." cody laughs.
i swat at his arm, "hey!"
he gives me a look.
"okay, fine.. you caught me." i smile.
he kisses my cheek as i lean back into his chest.
then, the doorbell rings.
cody starts to get up but i stop him, "i got it, don't worry."
i get off the couch and walk to the front door, "i got it, uncle martin!"
i open the door and i'm surprised at who is standing outside.

"what are you doing here? how did you know i was here?" i ask, trying to keep quiet enough so cody won't hear.
"your mom told me where you were when you weren't at your apartment.. i'm here to congratulate you on graduating. a facebook message wouldn't suffice." he smiles.
i give him a small smile in return, "thank you. as much as i'd like to invite you in.. i'm not sure cody would be a fan of that."
then, i hear footsteps in the hallway.
"cody wouldn't be a fan of what?" cody says, joining me.
"hi, cody." caleb waves.
"don't fucking 'hi, cody' me, caleb. what the hell are you doing here?" cody growls.
i lightly hit cody in the stomach.
"hey, he's just congratulating me on graduating," i turn to caleb, "thank you, caleb. i appreciate you coming out here but i think it would be a good idea if you left now."
i try to sound as sweet as possible as cody is raging beside me. i don't want a fight to break out.
i push cody away from the door, "cody, i'll join you in the living room in a minute. let me say goodbye."
cody scowls but finally goes back to the living room.
i step out onto the front step, "thank you for coming here, caleb. i'm sorry about cody's behavior."

[caleb's pov]
she's being so kind to me & i really appreciate it.
cody is a dick as far as i can see.
then, i notice the beautiful ring on her finger. it doesn't look like an engagement ring.. good.
"nice ring." i try my best to sound sincere.
her smile fades out of confusion but then she smiles again, "oh, thank you. it's a promise ring from cody."
of course it fucking is. he's such a show-off.
i pull her into a hug, "take care, vanessa."
"thank you, you too." she whispers.
when we disconnect, she kisses my cheek quickly before running back inside.
i feel my heart break again.

you had her & you let her go. you fucking idiot.

OOOOOH it's lit!! next chapter is the last chapter..

then a.. sequel?????? OMG

it's about to get real spicy.

thank you so so much for reading! xo

- adrianna

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