Ch.5- unwanted guest

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Mia's POV

I was walking along a grave path the lead in the general direction of the red keep. It was probably a bad idea going there but I had no other ideas. As I was walking I took in my surroundings. The smell of the woods. The flowers. The birds singing. The sun shining through parts of the canopy. I spotted a few deer. I put my hand out as I got out some berries I found. To my surprise the deer came right up to me and happily took the berries. I petted the deer. It's fur was soft and silky. It was peaceful outside. It almost seemed like a dream. I had a feeling that it wasn't going to last long.

I continued on my way when I heard a scream in the distance. Following the scream was what sounded like laughing. 'Wait a second.....GRAYSON! DRAKE!' I ran to the source of the voices. As I was running I heard more laughing in the distance. I ran as fast as I could until I saw someone in a clearing. It was drake. I ran at him in a hug and knocked him off his feet. I was over excited to see them until I heard Grayson scream at me.

"Mia! Your here! Wait no Mia don't get away from him!" I noticed Grayson had a sword in his hand. I then turned to see why he was freaking out until drake turned his head to me grabbing my neck. I stared at him and screamed as I saw his white eye glowing. It wasn't drake. Drake had no control. It was Him.

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