Best Trailer

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December Edition, 2013.

© l_unaMagazine

Best Trailer

Insanity, by WrittingNinja

Fantasy - Romance

Trailer featured on the side

Interview by: AmayaWinston


1. Congrats on winning! How does it feel? Did you make the trailer on your own or did you have someone make it for you?

WrittingNinja: Thank you, and yes I made the trailer myself. It feels pretty good actually, knowing that a trailer I made (I have made SEVERAL attempts for the Insanity trailer) won something!

2. Great! So what inspired you to write your book? Books you liked, movies you watched or some random idea out of the blue?

WrittingNinja: Well actually it was an image... I found an image of Victorian London that was painted for a wallpaper, and I made a book cover out of it. (Not the one I am currently using) I put INSANITY on it and gave it to my friend and co-writer, Brittany, and literally said: "Make a story that fits this." And she did. The image started everything.

3. Wow! What a unique way to start a book! So far, how has been your journey on Wattpad for you? What introduced you to it?

WrittingNinja: Very difficult is about the only way I can describe it. As a writer, everyone wants the same thing so I have to figure out how to get readers without pestering others. Slowly the readers are coming along, but now I have the challenge of Silent Readers... I discovered Wattpad on Quizilla. I was following a writer until she switched to Wattpad. I heard a lot about it from other writers and they talked me into switching. 

4. I'm sure it gets easier...Are you more of a reader or a writer? What genres do you like to read and/or write?

WrittingNinja: Well there's not really one I do over the other. I don't read a lot of Wattpad stories unless I find a good one every now and then, and usually I only read stories nowadays to leave comments. I write when I'm not reading, or spend my time in the clubs talking to other members. I prefer reading and writing in the Fantasy genre, and the Historical Fiction. Romance probably comes in third.

5. That's an amazing trailer you got there (well, duh, otherwise it wouldn't have won). Why don't you share some cool trailer making tips?

WrittingNinja: I tell everyone that it's not the program that makes a trailer good, it's the way you place certain clips and texts to the music selected. It's a show that entertains readers, and shouldn't be kept too long. Edit your music down so it doesn't go over a minute, and I have recently discovered that the shorter the trailer, the more people will look at it because They think they aren't wasting time to watch a trailer for a book that MIGHT read. Shorter is better. Place clips at important parts of the MUSIC not the LYRICS. Watch a few movie trailers and listen to the music, not the voices or anything like that. Watch closely where everything is placed. THAT'S what makes a good trailer.

6. That's pretty helpful... Now, why don't you share something about you with us? Some crazy would be great... :p

WrittingNinja: Well I'm crazy... I like to talk with my characters in my head before I write so I can get in their head. My co writer and I have talked back in forth in character as well... Sometimes when I get a headache I claim its Leonardo throwing a hissy fit. xD LOL! XD...

7. Why don't you share some surprises from your works for your silent readers? Like what can they expect next?

WrittingNinja: Well how about I give a free snippet?

The room was invisible, the music engulfed them and spun them around within its melody. The floor left them and the emotions of their hearts lifted them into an airless high. Nothing was left but their fluid motions of the heart. Amelia was nearly breathless, then her gasps were taken away when he spoke at last.

"My greatest act of love was my greatest sacrifice," He dipped her and brought her a bit closer as he brought her up.

"In order to love, I had to push it away," he spun her, being gentle with every motion. "Not only did I see her pain, I felt it..." He stopped their dance, looking at her with such an intense look it made her heart stutter. "Tonight, we can hide behind these masks and be what we truly want," He lowered his voice, leaning forward and getting close, eyes always looking into hers. "At this masquerade, I will allow my heart to love instead of hate."

Their lips nearly brushed each other.


And a special thank you to the other Best Trailer nominees - "Shock of the Fall", by xXXTheScriptXXx, made by AlyxMck, and "Beneath a Midnight Sky" by PaintedWings77. 

Luna Magazine, December Ed. 2013Where stories live. Discover now