Favorite Holiday Story

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December Edition, 2013.

© l_unaMagazine

Favorite Holiday Story

Icicles and Mistletoe, by Christinag1227

Non-Teen Fiction - Romance

Cover featured on the side.

Interview by: JuiceIsDelish

Hello this is JuiceIsDelish, an interviewer for @l_unaMagazine. I'm here to announce to you that your story, "Icicles and Mistletoe" won the Favorite Holiday Story poll! I'd like to ask you a few questions!

1. When and how did you discover your love for writing?

Christinag1227: I've always loved to write, but the first time I ever sat down and started to write a complete story was right here on wattpad, I'm guessing sometime in June or July of 2011.

2. How did you find and get active in Wattpad? Were there any other experiences with writing before Wattpad?

Christinag1227: I found wattpad when I upgraded my cell phone to an android and stumbled upon the app. Shortly after that I began reading stories, and decided to give writing a try and uploaded my very first chapter of my first story.

3. Which one do you like doing more, writing or reading? Why?

Christinag1227: Hmm, that's a touch question, I don't think I can choose between the two, I love reading and writing equally. I love reading because it transports me somewhere other than where I am and I love writing because I control the characters, the characters voice, the plot, and the way the story will unfold.

4. Can you tell us more about Icicles and Mistletoes? What inspired you to write that?

Christinag1227: The story Icicles and Mistletoe came to me while listening to Just a Dream by Carrie Underwood. I realized it was November 3, 2013 and entered NaNoWriMo, and didn't have time to plan or plot, I just started writing. I decided to write about a young woman, newly married to her high school sweet heart who happened to enlist in the army and soon became a casualty of war.

5. What inspires you to write? What do you do when you have 'writer's block'?

Christinag1227: My overactive imagination inspires me to write, I'll think of something, hear a song, watch a movie and suddenly I'm planning and plotting my next story. When I have writers block, I probably pushed my story too far so I end up deleting the entire chapter and starting over until I feel it is a perfect fit with the direction of the story. Rumor has it, there's no such thing as 'writers block', not sure if I believe that or not just yet.

6. What do like most and what do you like least about writing?

Christinag1227: Let's see, what I like most about writing is pushing myself to create something out of a thought or idea and seeing it through till the end. What I hate the most about writing is editing. Yuck, not fun at all.

7. What are your goals in life? I mean, what do you want to do before you die?

Christinag1227: One major goal in life is to be published. I'd love to see that happen before I die.

8. I'm sure you've had some times that you wanted to give up on writing. What gives you the motivation to hold on and keep going?

Christinag1227: Honestly, I've never lost my motivation to write. I love living in my own little world and expressing it on paper.

9. Do you have any tips for writers who have just started out? Tell us more about how to write better and more successfully!

Christinag1227: My advice to any writers just starting out, never give up, ignore the nay sayers, and perfect your craft. Each story I write, I see an improvement, practice, practice, practice.

Thank you so much for your time, Christina :D Thanks for the interview! Hope you had a good day!


And a special thank you to the other Favorite Holiday Story nominees - "The Boy with the Reindeer", by Sasha567, and "If Santa Had A Son" by XxSwimmer_ChickxX. 

Luna Magazine, December Ed. 2013Where stories live. Discover now