Mystery Month Author

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December Edition, 2013.

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Mystery Month Author

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So, you've been anticipating this throughout the whole magazine - you may have even skipped straight to this part just to satisfy your curiosity! Well, anticipate no longer - because the mystery month author is...

demonicblackcat, author of The Quirky Tale of April Hale.

We would have loved to have had an interview with demonicblackcat, but seeing as she's taking a short leave of wattpad - we've all been there! - we decided to give here a much deserved review of her wonderful book instead. So here it is! Enjoy.

Review by: georgiaburden


An amazing book, with a catchy plot that will draw you into the crazy world of April Hale. Classified under teen fiction and humour, it starts off with the life of a seemingly normal girl, living a teenaged life. But soon that image is shattered as you’re drawn into the crazy world that April lives in.  With twists and turns all the way through, be prepared to be surprised.

The plot is a major factor in this book. April is a seemingly normal girl, goes to school, does her homework, and hangs out with friends. Her life is fairly sane until trouble comes in the form of her troublesome neighbour, Ryder Black, the local bad-boy. For 10 years they have lived side by side, never once attempting to communicate. But on one fateful night were Ryder is thrown out of his house by his father, asks if he can stay in April’s room, her life changes forever.  Add to that a protective older brother, who hates Ryder’s guts and you have a whole mix of crazy.

This isn’t a regular story about a teenager who finds love. It’s a story about growing up, becoming an adult, falling in love and entering the real world. Finding out secrets, learning to trust and live with her disability, April becomes a true woman, of inner strength and beauty. But not just any woman. Ryder’s girlfriend. Who would have ever of thought of that happening?

The characters add to the humorous plot, the protective older brother, the slightly eccentric parents, who love a bit of gossip, the brother’s best friend, who seems to have a crush on April, the bad-boy from next-door and April herself. Each of them playing their own part, adding the hilarity of the story.

As it is written from April’s point-of-view, we learn a lot about her as a character. We learn about how difficult things can be for her, how confusing people can be. We learn about how she struggles to make friends because of her disabilities, and how she can get flustered in the presence of a certain boy. It’s different seeing things from her point-of-view, as it helps the reader understand people with similar disabilities in real life.

There is only one thing I can complain about. Sometimes the story gets a little slow, and a bit boring, but all together, this is an amazing book and I would definitely recommend it.

Luna Magazine, December Ed. 2013Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora