Are You Naughty or Nice? | Questions

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December Edition, 2013.

© l_unaMagazine

Are You Naughty or Nice? | Questions

This was something we either had anxiety about or didn't even bother with when we were children - a tool cleverly used by parents for generations to get us to behave when we were younger. But lets imagine the worn parchment we always pictured as kids - lets visualize that dark, black ink, that beautiful calligraphy, with a list of names, and your name somewhere mixed in. Lets imagine two separate lists of parchment sitting serenely on Santa's desk labeled "Naughty" and "Nice".

Which list are you inked on?

While this quiz may not be exactly be scientifically sound, we still like to believe it's fun to try. So take your chances, entertain your curiosity and tally up your score - and answer that one question you've been asking yourself since you first heard of Santa Claus.

Are you Naughty...or Nice?

1. You come across an animal lying in the middle of the road, its chest rising and falling, fighting for its life. You...

a) Immediately go to help it - that poor animal! Someone dial 911!

b) Run it over again - damn thing probably has rabies, or is venomous!

c) Pull over and call for help, but remain a safe distance away. You're not sure it's friendly or not.

d) Drive around it - someone else will help it.

2. It's time to party! Your friends ask you to go out for a night of celebrating nothing in particular. You...

a) Agree on one condition - no drinking this time. It only leads to problems!

b) Say "Hell yes!" - you would never pass up on an opportunity to get trashed and dance until you can't walk! 

c) Say yes, and offer to be the designated driver - you don't want your friends to wake up in a random place again.

d) Say no, just to get them riled up about your stubborness and being "a party pooper".

3. Your parents ask you to clean the house while they're gone. You...

a) Agree, telling them to have a good time.

b) Whine - but that'll take forever!

c) Agree, but casually throw in that you still have homework to do.  

d) Outright say "No", leading to a huge blowout between you and your parents. 

4. You see a homeless person on the sidewalk, with a sign begging for spare change. You...

a) Toss a couple quarters in his box. Actually homeless or not, whether the money is for food or not, at least maybe you've helped him out in some way.

b) Walk by after he stares at you for too long. He kind of creeps you out!

c) Walk by and slide a dollar in the red tin by the bell ringing Santa Claus on the corner. The homeless man can benefit from that donation too.

d) Keep walking - why should you give into the guilt trip the man and society tries to impose on you? Don't they know that trying to force you to do something only makes you rebel more?

5. You just purchased some items at your favorite store. The cashier asks if you would like to make a small donation to a specific charity. You...

a) Donate ten dollars - it's a wonderful cause.

b) Tell them not today.

c) Tell them to give your change to the charity.

d) Tell them no thank you - you really don't like feeling harassed to make donations when you're checking out your items.

6. Which word/phrase best describes you?

a) Helpful

b) Going with the flow

c) Cautious but generous

d) Rebellious

7. A friend walks up to you and asks you to tell them one thing about them you don't like, and to be honest. You don't know what brought this about, and they won't tell you. You...

a) Don't want to hurt your friend's feelings, but honesty is always the best policy. So you tell them...but sugar coat so it doesn't sting as much as it could have.

b) Tell them - hey, they wanted to know!

c) Don't want to hurt their feelings, but they seem to want to know tell them.

d) Refuse to answer until they tell you what brought this on.

8. It's freezing cold outside, and you see a little girl waiting to cross the street with only a long sleeve shirt on, shivering incessantly. You...

a) Give your coat her and walk her home to make sure she gets back to her parents alright, then let her keep the coat so she can warm up in it.

b) Help her across the street and ask if her house is close - when she says it is, tell her to get there quickly, since you're not sure how her parents would react if a stranger walked her home.

c) Offer your coat to the girl and walk her safely across the street.

d) Give her your coat.

9. It's the most beautiful time of the year! It's also time for mistletoe. You're unexpectedly thrust under the mistletoe with a person you're interested in. You...

a) Kiss them before you can chicken out.

b) Kiss them without a care in the world - carpe diem!

c) Kiss their cheek - accepting, but still not crossing the fine line yet.

d) Blow them a kiss and throw them a cheeky smile. You love being unexpected.

10. A child asks you if Santa Claus is real. You...

a) Tell them, "Of course!" Kids need something magical to believe in.

b) Say, "I'm not sure. Could be." You don't want to tell them no but you don't want to encourage them either.

c) Say, "Sure." Leave it open for them to pretty much answer themselves.

d) Tell them, "I don't know." And leave it at that.

Luna Magazine, December Ed. 2013Where stories live. Discover now