Are You Naughty Or Nice? | Results

31 4 1

Mostly A's and/or C's


You treasure life and are a softie when it comes to giving people the benefit of the doubt. You're not judgmental - or, at least, you try hard not to be - and you always try to look at the bright side of things rather than the contrary. You try your hardest to be good, you've got a set list of morals and you always love to help as many people - and "beings" - as possible. You may or may not have always been like this, but this is who you are now.

Mostly B's and/or D's


You wild one, you! Santa's putting coal in your stocking this year! You're wild, untamed, and see this as the best way to live a full life - you party, maybe a little too hard, and have a thing for doing the opposite of what people tell you to do. You could care less about what people think of you and are just along for the ride most people would call "life". This doesn't necessarily make you a bad person, you're just not an "obedient child"...which lands you on the naughty list, my friend.

Luna Magazine, December Ed. 2013Where stories live. Discover now