~ Fortune 500 ~

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Stacy snatches the feather up and turns toward her date.

"Look babe, Colin look it's like the one that was in the car earlier."

"Yeah sure." He waves her off and continues typing on his phone. Bypassing them Grey and I move to the cash register where we quickly pay for our food and find a table. Settling into my seat I look up at Grey but his eyes are still trained on Colin. They've taken the seats at the table right across from us Stacy is already eating but Colin is still on his phone.

"Have you ever had waffle fries?" I ask Grey grabbing his attention the anger, worry and fear washing from his face. I take one last look at Colin to see what Grey saw but there's nothing. I watch as he puts his phone down and stares out of the picture window at the front of the restaurant but then his head whips at an incredible speed and he winks at me. Although his smile is bright and the wink seemed played he looks dangerous, extremely dangerous maybe Grey saw that before I did.

"No, this is my first time."


"Yeah, do you come here often?" he asks but his tone tells me that he's clearly distracted.

"Um, yeah but not this particular one, there's one near my house." Ignoring the voice in my head that's telling me not to I ask the question that's been nagging me ever since we sat down.

"Grey, do you know him?"


"That Colin character." He looks over at him again tilting his head a little before turning back to me.

"No." it's then that I notice his hands are shaking. Not violently or uncontrollably it's just a tremor but it's still visible.

"Do-" I stop abruptly when an employee comes bouncing over his green eye shadow shimmer brighter than his smile.

"Hi y'all." He drawls in a thick southern accent that makes me smile a little.

"Hello." Grey and I say in unison.

"So, I don't know if y'all noticed our fortune five-hundred wall," he points to a wall towards the back covered in hundreds of pictures, "but it honors our five-hundredth customer every month and as the lord will have it, you two are lucky number five-hundred." He cheers clapping his hands.

"Yeah?" Grey is clearly amused as he bites into his waffle fry barely able to contain his smile.

"You bet, now can I take y'alls picture?" he asks grabbing the Polaroid camera that's hanging around his neck.

"Sure thing." The photographer, whose name tag said Nathan, lifted the camera to his eye then immediately dropped it against his chest.

"Okay guys, move in closer. You sir, drape your arm around her shoulder and you, smile bigger." He instructs. Grey and I share an amused look before getting into our respective positions. Nathan smiles and quickly snaps the picture. Seconds later it emerges from the bottom of the camera and Nathan gently take it out and shakes it for a few seconds. His face falls into a frown when he looks at it and he lets out a huff.

"Aw man, dang red eye, here take one more." He starts to count down and just as he says three Grey turns in his chair and kisses my cheek, needless to say I was blushing like crazy.

"Oh my god, it's so cute!" Nathan squeals handing Grey the picture. He's right it is cute. Both of our eyes are closed and my shoulders are a little hunched from the surprise but there's a huge smile on my face and Grey's, wait what is... Nathan snatches the picture back and bounces over to the girls behind the counter before I can get a better look.

"Oh where are my manners, I didn't even ask y'all's names."

"Cy and Grey," another voice pipes in, "right?" Colin glances at us.

"Right." Grey bites out and Nathan excitedly runs to the Fortune 500 wall.

"But we never told you that." I chime in eyeing him suspiciously.

"We're not that far away from each other kiddo, I have ears." He offers me a condescending smile.

"You know Grey, do you want to get out of here?"

"Definitely." He sighs. We gather our things, I quickly swipe the red eye photo from the table, and exit the restaurant.

"There's a park around the corner." Grey nods and heads out of the parking lot. I spot Stacy in the restaurant window waving at us but she's soon over taken by darkness, the same dark smoke I'd seen in that feather. In a blink the darkness is completely gone but Stacy still remains, I really have to get a grip. We arrive at the park in five minutes flat and choose a small bench under a tree to finish our food.

"Where did you grow up?"

"Here in Los Angeles, what about you?"

"I was born down under, but I find myself here more." Grey answers taking a huge bite of his burger.

"Do you have any siblings?"

"Nope just me. How come you are how you are?"


"Why are you so kind?"

"I don't really know I guess it's just who I am, why are you mean?" I couldn't find a better word so I just went with it.

"It's what I was born in to the only thing I know well, knew."


"Before I met you. Before I met you I never smiled like this," he points to his wide grin, "my smiles didn't come from happiness more like satisfaction if that makes any sense." He finishes before taking another huge bite of his burger. I guess that did make sense as weird as it sounded.

"You were really hungry huh?" I ask him teasingly.

"Yeah and I didn't even know. So it's eat and not feed?" he asks eyebrows furrowed.

"Well in this context yes it's eat." I answer although I don't even know why he needed to ask that. The way he talks sometimes makes me wonder if he's even from here.

Song- Itchin On A Photograph by Grouplove simply because they take a picture in this chapter lol

Have to edit this chapter

P.s. there's a death in the next chapter, can you guess who it's going to be??

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