~ First Day ~

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Today is my first day of work and I’m beyond excited. I wanted to tell Grey but I hadn’t spoken to him since Milo had his seizure and that was two days ago. I’d texted him but he never got back to me. I was going to give up and let him have his space but Milo kept asking for him for I called only to have the operator tell me the number was no longer in service. The whole thing was weird but I’d put it off for a long as possible so I could focus on Milo and prepare for today.
“Cypress, the car is here.” My mom yells down the hall.
“I’m coming.” Tying my flannel around my waist I race to the door. After kissing my mom goodbye I jump into the waiting black suv the Dodson’s sent to pick me up.
“Jerry Childs, I’ll be your driver.” The man, who shares an uncanny resemblance to Phil Collins, informs me.
“Cypress Adner, it’s nice to meet you Mr. Childs.”
“Please call me Jerry.”
“Will do.” It takes about half an hour to get to the Dodson’s Hollywood Hills home needless to say it’s stunning.
“Here we are.” Pulling into the black iron gates he drops me off right at the front door of the massive house. Approaching the big white, wooden door I prepare to ring the bell but the door is swung open and I’m greeted by two red haired boys.
“Cypress?” one of them asks.
“That’s me.”
“Yes!” They high five each other before running off. Hopefully that was a good thing and they don’t turn out to be anything like Junior or Dennis. Stepping into the house I take in the marble floors and  crystal chandeliers in the foyer, its stunning.
“Hello Cypress.”
“Mr. Dodson.”
“Pepsi and I are leaving in about five minutes so let me tell you as much as I can before then. The little ones are sleeping they’ll be up in about an hour, there are bottles in the fridge just warm them up in a pot of water. The boys are pretty much to themselves but they’ve been waiting to meet you so they may bombard you with questions .”
“That’s fine with me.”
“Great, they’ve eaten dinner but they tend to eat a lot so Martha, our cook, has fixed up some snacks for them. No tv after eight, and Preston was having some trouble with a page of his homework, see if you could help?”
“Of course.”
“What am I forgetting?”
“It’s a charity event so we’ll be gone for a few hours.” Pepsi adds as she steps into the room wearing a sparkly dark grey dress.
“Hello, Mrs. Dodson.”
“Hey Cy, its good to see you.” She hugs me and kisses my cheek.
“You too.”
“Come on honey, Jerry’s waiting.” With that they leave the house. Walking further into the house I sit my bag full of board games, baby toys, model planes and coloring books near the couch then start up the stairs. I find the babies room on the second floor with the door propped open. Its all pale yellow and sky blue with little animal decals all over the walls and five foot stuffed animals in the corner near the bookshelf. The twins are sleeping peacefully in their cribs with tiny smirks on their adorable faces.
“Preston? Sawyer?” I whisper yell once I return to the hallway. The two boys step out of doors on opposite sides of the hallway .
“Okay, help me out here,” I laugh a little, “who’s Sawyer and who’s Preston?” the one to my right raises his hand.
“I'm Preston.”
“Sawyer.” Says the one to my left.
“Okay Preston, I heard you need help with some homework.”
“Yeah, its math.” He groans.
“Oh I hate math too but I’ll tell you what, we can build a few model planes once we’re done, sound good?”
“Yeah.” They nod their heads eagerly. After hours of homework, spit up, grape eating contests, three rounds of uno, diapers, battles, six airplanes and just all in all fun its time for me to go. The kids are sleeping and the Dodson’s have just returned so I pack up my cards and throw my Marvel backpack over my shoulder.
“How was it today?” Pepsi asks.
“It was great. The boys are awesome they remind me so much of my little brother Milo and Samuel and Samantha are so precious I couldn’t get enough of them.”
“Good, good I'm happy that you’re happy.” She smiles at me.
“Oh let me get your check from last week.” When she steps away I notice a picture on the mantle. I hadn’t seen it before but it now has all of my attention. I feel my head tilt and my eyebrows furrow as I move forward. What the?
“That’s Logan,” Pepsi says from behind me.
“He, um, he died a week ago, the same day I met you actually, that’s the emergency we had.”
“I'm so sorry.” I step closer to the picture taking in every detail just to be sure. There, in the photo standing next to a shiny red motorcycle is…Grey.


Picture of Preston and Sawyer

(we got bats😂😂)

Song for this chapter is Looking too Closely- Fink

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