~ Feather Man ~

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My mom called this morning to tell me the doctor is letting Milo have lunch with us in the hospital cafeteria. I wasted no time throwing on some clothes and leaving that ratty hotel. I couldn't stay in that house last night not after what I saw. I tried to brush it off, close my eyes and count to ten and everything would be fine, I'd wake up from the nightmare but I didn't. When I opened my eyes everything was still there, the broken glass, the windex, the duct tape, everything. It scared the hell out me so I grabbed a few things and left the house. Pulling into the hospital parking lot I reign in my emotions and continue into the building.

"Cy, I was waiting for you."

"Hey Grey." I smile as he pulls me into a hug.

"Your moms in the cafeteria already." He seems so chipper as he grabs my hand leading me towards the cafeteria.

"What are you so happy about?" He just smiles down at me before looking ahead. As we near our destination Grey yanks my hand pulling me into what looks like a janitors closet. Both hands are on my cheeks and his thumb breezes over my lips before he leans in and kisses me.

"That's why I'm so chipper." He steals another kiss before turning the light off and opening the door. Walking into the busy dining area I spot my mom and join her at the table.

"Took you guys long enough." She jokes.

"I couldn't find a place to park. When are they bringing Milo?" I quickly change the subject. My mom wouldn't care about Grey and I kissing but I'm still kind of nervous about telling her I mean she's my mom.

"In about ten minutes."


"Are you okay, honey?" My mom asks placing her hand over mine.

"Yeah, why'd you ask that?"

"You've got dark circles." I can tell she isn't buying that I'm fine by the tone of her voice. Releasing a sigh I decide to tell them what happened last night.

"I slept at a hotel last night."

"What?" Grey and my mom say at the same time.

"I thought that I saw a man in the window."

"A man"

"In what window?" Their double talk is kind of annoying. Some of the people in the cafeteria are giving us odd looks from their simultaneous shouting.

"Can you guys stop doing that?"

"What?" I raise my brows at them.

"One at a time please."

"Okay, where did you see him?" my mom questions.

"The kitchen. I woke up because it was freezing cold turns out the kitchen window is broken so I taped it shut. I spotted him after I was done.

"What did he look like?"

"I don't know."

"Did he say anything?" Grey asks but his voice doesn't hold the same emotions as my moms, he almost sounds fearful.

"No, he didn't say anything." I tell him. The nurses wheel Milo in before we can finish the conversation and I hastily tell them not to bring it up around him.

"Cy!" Milo shouts excitedly and I run to him gathering him in my arms.

"Hey little brother, I hear you're doing better."

"I am," he motions for me to move closer to him, "I don't even need this wheelchair but I didn't feel like walking its too early."

"I know the feeling." I whisper back to him and he laughs, the excitement in his eyes makes me smile even more.

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