~ Exposed ~

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For my birthday, I wanted to update this for you guys!! It's a short chapter but I promise it's worth it Grey's secret is finally revealed .


I need a breath, this is too much. I tried sleeping last night but it was no use my mind has been reeling with all the things I’d realized since I saw that picture. The first thing was the familiar face, it was Pepsi, I know that now. When I think back to that moment I see her tear stained face so clearly as she ran down that corridor. The second this I realized was Logan Miller was the man that died just five feet away from me, I  remember the black helmet with flames decorating the sides. None of it is making sense and my brain is in over drive trying to figure it out, so, I just need to breathe. This empty park seemed like the perfect place but my mind won’t let it go. For instance I keep trying to figure out how I fell for the name Grey Brown like-
“What kind of name is Grey Brown anyways?” 
“It was the color of the hospital chairs.” I nearly jump out of my skin at the sound of his voice behind me. Standing up I face him ignoring the part of me that’s saying run away.
“What in gods name is going on?”
“What is your real name? Because it clearly isn’t Grey and Logan Miller is dead so who are you?” His eyes go to the ground before he speaks.
“I have many names Cypress. Fantôme de la Mort, Haamu Kuoleman, Duh Smrti,” his eyes lock on mine as he says the last words, “Ghost of Death.” My breath catches in my throat as his eyes go black, a shade of orange the same as a flame in the center. Ghost of Death?
“Please Cy, hear me out.” He takes a step forward and I take two back. He takes a deep breath but stays in his spot.
“The night you saved David Heenkley, I was killing him.”
“It’s what I’ve done for millions of years Cypress. But I’d never stopped to really look at humans and their habits, observe them, take on their form. But that night, you got in the way, distracted me I saw the kindness you showed to a man you didn’t know. You went out of your way to make sure he was okay. It’s more than likely happened a billion times before but I never paid attention I was satisfied with who I was, what I was.”
“That was you? Freezing me inside the ambulance, your fingerprints on David’s chest, you made him forget?”
“Yes, to confuse you, make you believe what the nurse said.”
“Did you kill Stacy too?”
“No that was Colin.”
“He’s a demon like you.” It isn’t a question but  he answers.
“Yes but he’s worse than me.”
“How could he be worse, you guys do the same things?”
“He’s cruel, he likes to watch people suffer as he tortures them with dementia, AIDS, cancer.” His eyes, back their beautiful shade of brown, find mine again.
“Cancer?” The third thing I realized, the black feathers belong to Colin. One blew into the hospital just before my mom told me about Milo.
“He bought Milo’s cancer back?” Tears are now rolling freely down my cheeks.
“To make me leave you alone.”
“This isn’t making sense.”
“Of all the years we’ve been at this he’s always been the brother to take on human form, transforming himself into his victims. He prided himself in being able to trick people into getting close to him so they’d die too. He didn’t want me to make myself appear as human but I did it anyway, to get close to you. He threatened me with many things but never Milo. I didn’t know what he’d done until the day Milo had his seizure. I’d seen when he took over the doctor the day they found Stacy but I thought he was there to bother me." The third voice in the hallway, that was him possessing the doctor.
“But you knew he was after me, the grocery store , the man in the window, the smoke, the feathers, you saw it all. I thought that I was going insane and you knew the truth the entire time. A wild imagination.” I scoff.
“He was purposely trying to drive you insane but I thought I’d be able to stop him. Every time he bothered you, made you see things, I’d go after him but he always got away. The day in the store was like watching you through a glass wall he blocked me from getting to you. I know I should have left but I  wanted to be with you.”
“Be with me? Grey, what if he kills Milo? What if he goes to my mom after that? Are you even thinking?” In that moment my phone starts to ring, the song I’d assigned to my mother ringing loudly in the space between us.
“Cy,” she cries into the phone.
“Mom what happened?”
“It’s Milo, Cy, he’s so much worse,  the doctor says he’s going.”
No! No, no, no, no, no.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter

There are actually two songs for this chapter because both fit so well but I can't add them both. The song I posted is Angel by the Wings by Sia and the other one is Hunger in your Haunt by Crywolf, tell me which one you think fits better with this chapter.

Remembering GreyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon