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This is "the act of kindness" and "grey" in Grey's pov. I wanted to give more insight into what happened when Grey took human form and Colin's reaction to it along with Grey's reaction to Cypress. What was going through his head when he saw her helping David and what made him go to her. So, here goes...

With a touch from my finger, the old mans breathing becomes shallow and his hand connects with his chest, he's hurting, but he doesn't stop walking. His feet drag one in front of the other and he nearly falls despite the cane in his hand.

"Have fun with ol' decrepit, brother, I hear a motorcycle in the distance." Malupit sings then his wings carry him away.

Fun? There's no fun in this, not for me.

My attention falls back onto the old man and I press my scorching finger to his chest again. He screams but it's nowhere near as loud as I'm sure he intended for it to be. I hate hurting him, but it's his time, his soul is calling me, screaming to be let free and once he crosses over he'll see that. They always do, I've collected so many human souls, babies, children, women, men and teenagers and they always understood in the end, their screaming ceased and they allowed me to guide them. He needs to let go so he can see too.

My finger lands again and he bends, grabbing hold of the building before dropping his cane. And then someone is running to us, I sense them before I even hear their feet scraping across the pavement and then they're here, she's here. My eyes follow her as she clutches at the man who's now falling over. They speak briefly then she pulls something out, says a few things before she sits on the ground and gently places his head in her lap.

"Old man's still resisting?" I find myself struggling to pull my eyes away from her to focus on Malupit.


"I'll do it." Before I can stop him his hand is out, fingers at the old man's chest. He cries out again as she speaks.

"Malupit, stop!"

"Stop? For what?" he stops his dancing but continues to laugh.

"Just stop." my eyes go back to the woman in front of me s she swipes something across the old man's head.

"For her? Brother, what are you doing?" The anger in his voice demands my attention but I can't look away, she's smiling down at the old man as he speaks and I decide to listen closer.

"Cypress Adner." She says and I find that I'm amazed by her, why is she helping someone she barely knows? Taking care of him so tenderly? Being so kind? And how many times has this happened without me even caring to notice?

Suddenly they're surrounded and men begin to pull him away from this Cypress.

"You're not going to finish? Doesn't he need to cross over?"

"Not right now."

"Don't do anything stupid," Malupit warns as Cypress runs by us, my eyes following her movements.

"Like you?" my gaze flicks to him then back to her as she comes running with the man's cane then my body moves with her.

"Bás!" Malupit screams but I won't let him stop me.

The men make quick movements over the old man and say things to each other but my ears refuse to hear them. All of my attention is being consumed by Cypress Adner the woman whose kindness is unlike anything I've ever seen. How does it feel to be kind? Would I be able to do what she does? Be like her? I take in her puffy hair, her brown skin, her big brown eyes as they move over every other human around us. I take in every detail I can about her short upturned nose that's red at the tip, her face that's scrunched up and I notice how her big bottom lip trembles, I'm too close but how am I supposed to move away from her?

Remembering GreyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ