Chapter 20 - Cuddles, Chris And Couple Costumes

Start from the beginning

I smiled weakly, "I'm not cracking, not yet anyways."

Hunter pulled me closer to him and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "Anger is something that makes you act before you think."

"It is," I breathed in his scent.

"We'll just have to find ways to improve." He kissed the top of my head, "now take a nap, it's been a long day."


I woke up to the sound of a car door slamming. Out of reflex, I jumped but to my surprise, I didn't move. "Hey, shh, you're okay," I looked up to see Hunter's soft hazel eyes gazing into mine. I then realised that I was in his arms and he was carrying my bridal style. "You fell asleep and I didn't want to wake you up, partially because you looked really cute."

I scrunched up my nose, "that's creepy." he chuckled and continued to walk. "You know that I can walk by myself right?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I like this way better," he nodded. I heard the front door click open and he flicked the lights on.

I half-smiled and looked at him. "Why does this feel like our wedding night or something?"

Hunter started going up the stairs and looked down at me. "Do you want it to be?" he smirked.

I felt a blush creep up my neck and I hid my face in his chest. "No," I mumbled. His deep laughter vibrated against me.

"Give it a year or two." I froze up. "Come one, let's get you to bed, it's late."

As Hunter placed me onto the bed in my room, he spoke again. "I'm going to see Mr. Moore tomorrow morning."

"I'm coming with you," I said sitting up.

Hunter sighed and sat down on the bed, "I don't think that'll be a good idea." I looked at him confused. "I mean, he probably hates us both but I'm pretty sure he hates you even more. You did ruin his marriage after all and you also slapped him. If we want answers, then I don't think having you there will make him want to answer."

"I guess you're right," I sighed. I really wanted to see him, to look him in the eyes and tell him how absolutely disgusting he was. "I guess I'll be at the office then."

"You do realise that it's Saturday tomorrow right?"

"It is?" Oh shoot, it was. I'd been so caught up into everything that had been happening that I hadn't been keeping track of time. Weekends and weekdays seemed to blend together into just... Days. Fridays weren't something to anticipate anymore and Mondays weren't to dread. I guess having Hunter around just made any day a fun day. I didn't have as many nightmares anymore and the few that I did have weren't as bad.

"My mom used to always say that the sun and the moon were like lovers who rarely met, always chased and almost always missed each other. But once in a while, they do catch up and they kiss, and at that moment, the world just stares in awe at their eclipse," I smiled thinking about how my mother used to wake me up just in time for the sunrise everyday when I was little. I missed those days. It hurt when you wake up one day and miss someone from your past but then you realise they're not there anymore.

Hunter scooched closer to where I was sitting on the bed and placed a hand on my shoulder. "She sounds like a sweet woman, I wish I was able to meet her."

"I just wish that they were still here, y'know?" I quietly said. "Sometimes I feel as though I don't deserve to be happy, because my parents aren't alive anymore. I just- I just wish that I could have done something to prevent it. Maybe if I had convinced then to stay or-"

"Don't say that. There was nothing you couldn't have possibly done in the world to have stopped it. I know that if you could have you would, but their death was entirely out of your reach" I shrugged. "Sometimes, people go and it just doesn't make sense. Grief is like the sea; sometimes their calm and sometimes their rough, but all you can do is to learn how to swim."

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