"I won't leave you, Not this time "

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As Vader used the force to pull the Sith holocron to him Ahsoka ran at him, her two lightsabers in hand. By the time Vader turned to seen her, she had alraedy jumped up on to his chest and used one of her lightsabers to cut threw the mask. "Ahh" he yelled as they bought fell to the ground. Ezra called out to Ahsoka, telling her to hurry to the Phantom. She began to get up slowly. "Ahsoka" a familiar voice said but with a mechanical sound to it. Time froze for Ahsoka. She turned around to face the dark Lord. His breathing was heavy as he looked at the ground. "Ahsoka" he said as a normal human voice with no mechanical sound to it this time. When he looked up at her it reviled the mask half cut to revile half of the face of her onec former master. His once blue eye's were now a fireing red". "Anakin" Ahsoka called out in disbelieve. Ezra helped Kanan on boured the Phantom. He turned to see if Ahsoka was coming but was stunned to see her facing the dark Lord. "I won't leave you, not this time" Ahsoka said, the tone in her voice was serious. Vader looked at her with sadness in his eye's. Then all those happy memories flooded back to him. Those happy times felt like they were millions of years old. Then the memories of that day, that day she left him when he nedded her most then came to him.

Anger and rage filled him. He looked back at his old apprentice with anger. "Then you will die" he said with hatered as he ignited his blood red lightsaber.     

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