#Forget Me Not

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I regretted guys.

For not being able to tell you.

That I .......died.


you're probably panicking right now. Seeing tiny flowers scattered all around your bed. It's not a death ceremony for you, so calm down. Thank you for your unexpected care for a stranger like me. Take care of Kyouka-chan as you usually do. Be careful.


Sorry for the flowers hanging on your door post. I bet it's a nice way to greet you this morning. Sorry I wasnt able to pay for all the medications you did for me. You are one of the most terrifying doctors I've met. But then....thank you for sharing some tissue napkins for me. You rock! I hope you really find a guy who would fill in any holes in your heart. Thou shalt not die, you told me....sorry for not keeping the promise.


The flowers on your hat arent candies. Please dont eat it. You were right that it will take me hundred years before I reach your level. You figured out my ability and thank you for not saying it to others. The Agency is your family, Ranpo-san. It doesnt matter whether you have an ability or not. The proof that you are part of the Agency is your very own existence. Be careful, Ranpo-san. I hope I could spend  longer to read newspapers and play chess with you.


I decided to place the tiny flowers inside your planner. Thank you. I wonder how idealistic you can be. But then....some idealism we have...just dont happen. I hope you are quite aware of that. Dont be too much idealistic, you might find her slipping away from you.

Tanizaki and Naomi,

Always keep your head up! You got what it takes to help the Agency. Thank you for your hospitality. Tanizaki, the flowers fits Naomi, try making headband out of it.


Though we arent really that close. Thanks for accepting me as one of you.


I dont have words to say. Thank you.... for Everything.

But even if I told these things to you. You guys will never understand.

Author's note:

Sorry guys for attacking this fanfiction this way. Please bear with the confusion.

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