Is Neo dead as of volume 4? Was Neo evil? Two for one theory.

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A/N If you have not seen the first episode of Volume 4 do not read this yet.

As we all seen in volume 3 Neo is sent into a giant swarm of Grimm with her umbrella. 

So it makes me wonder is she dead? 

As we know creatures of Grimm feed off negative emotions and she was sent into a swarm of them.

Now I don't' believe she is. In fact I don't believe Neo was ever evil in the first place.

Neo in fact may have a very mild form of Rett syndrome. This is a extremely rare form of autism that almost only affects girls, the only thing that I cannot prove from it is a warning sign that it happens which is a slow growth of the head when they are young like months old. 

Since we don't have any proof of when Neo was a child I will look at the systems instead.

1. Social anxiety

2. Loss of speech and withdrawal from dealings with speech with others.

3. Disinterest in people.

She really has all 3 of these. The only person she is shown to care for is Roman. She really does try to not be in social situations without a illusion up to satisfy herself for when she needs to be in a social situation without  Roman. 

She may also be bipolar. Even though she doesn't speak she has mood swings which are shown when her eyes change color.

So do I believe she is dead. No. Do I believe she is evil. No. 

I believe she was emulating Roman and when she was separated from him the only thing she felt was probably worry. 

I believe Neo is like a child mentally only trying to make her father figure proud. She follows orders despite what they are because she wants to be accepted by Roman and loved.

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