So sorry guys I forgot to place something on the last chapter.

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So as everyone who read thus far knows the previous chapter is about what to expect in RWBY Dark Rebellion.

I wanted to give you all a sneak peak into the world of Dark Rebellion.


Leader of the Rebellion's POV

The darkness that covers the moon shrouding the once great Remnant in all consuming shadows. There is only one light the people that were successful in escaping their schools following Emperor Mephisto's attack on the academies.

 The roars and screeching of various Grimm that have only gotten stronger as the people panic. 

I have witnessed many things that Mephisto has done. He turned the rest of my team into Grimm. Team ABRN.

My hoverboard made sounds as I rode through the fallen building going to the underground tunnel system that we are using as a base of operations.

The dankness hit me like a cloud as I entered the cave going the long way around twisting tunnels to make sure if anything was following me it didn't make it to the base and got lost.

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