Chapter 16

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"Are you sure you are okay with this?" My mom asked me for the third time.

I sighed, "Yes, mom. I'm okay with this. Besides, Jimin can help me around the school."

"Okay fine. So, when does that school return again?" My mom asked once more.

"For the hundredth time, mom, next week," I chuckled, "Why are you so worried about this?"

I could hear sniffling from my mom's side. I know that me going to another school was scary for her. Moving in with my dad was even worse, for her. I also know that it broke her heart, deeply but, I just felt better off living here.

"Well, you aren't going back during that week anyway so, just call me if you need anything," mom continued nagging, "And don't reopen your stitches!"

"Okay, okay. See ya."

It's been, almost, a week since I have been out of the hospital. My wound still aches, due to how deep it is but, my minor injuries have started to heal. I have been told that I am not supposed to move around a lot. The downside is that everyone has been treating me like a newborn. They act as if I can't do things on my own. They've been feeding me, bathing me and attending to my every command. Well, I guess, attending to my every command is the good thing about this.

Before Jimin has to go back to school, as he has said, he will be taking care of me until then. Jimin has been trying to spend a lot of time with me before that time comes, to go back to hell. Well, I don't think that I will be missing out on much once he goes back, honestly. Although Jimin seemed to be so enthusiastic about nursing me back on my feet, he has seemed a bit distant. I'm not sure, exactly, of what is going on with him but, I can guess that it may be because of everything that has happened in such little time.

He has his moments of full joy and playfulness until suddenly, boom. Jimin turns into a complete party pooper. I must add that his behavior, when Hoseok is around, was completely...Jimin. When he is alone with me, we spend most of our time staring at the four walls, if Jimin doesn't need to help me with anything.

"How are you feeling?" Hoseok asked me as he stroked my hair.

I shook my head, "I feel pain. That's all I can feel."

Hoseok sighed heavily, "I'm sorry I wasn't able to-"

"Don't even apologize. You were busy," I nudged him, "I'm alive and that is all that matters."

Hoseok rested his head on top on mine. Moments like this, with him, I try to cherish and make the best of. Frankly, since Jimin and I started a romantic relationship, Hoseok and I haven't been as close as we used to be. He doesn't talk about his feelings or even show this much affection towards me anymore. I do miss him and our friendship. It seems as if he doesn't like being around me.

"You know, it sucks that you decided to move here," Hoseok sighed.

"I'm sorry but, I like it here," I replied, softly.

Hoseok shifted his head as he scoffed, "You only want to stay here for Jimin. If you didn't love him this way, you'd be over at my house; playing video games until the crack of dawn."


"I'm gonna get you more water," Hoseok quickly stood up.

I should have known better to say such a thing. I can't help but to think that he is right about that. I guess I am only staying for Jimin. As Hoseok walked out, Jimin walked into the room. For a brief moment, they met eye to eye. I saw it in slow motion. The look they gave each other was very noticeable. It wasn't a look of anger nor was it friendly but, I did catch Jimin's slight smirk.

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