Chapter 3

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*Sorry for the short chapter. I don't have too much time on my hands these days*

Jimin's lips were now inches away from my lips. I closed my eyes, afraid to see what would happen next. I soon felt something rough wiping across my forehead. I opened my eyes to see Jimin rubbing my forehead with the towel he had under my wounded hand.

"You got blood on you," Jimin smiled innocently. 

I was quite confused honestly. I was almost certain that Jimin was going to kiss me. 

Wait! I thought to myself, Why am I even thinking about that? 

I kept shaking my head in disbelief. I actually listened to what Jimin had to say, hugged him and now I am wanting him to kiss me? A guy

"You okay?" Jimin asked in concern.

My eyes widened, "What?" 

"You keep shaking your head. Are you feeling light headed? Do you need to eat something? Or is it-"

"I'm fine, Jimin," I shyly smiled, "I uh, I want to say thank you for being so nice and caring. I never thought I would be so open to anyone or show weakness." 

"Even the strongest ones break," Jimin said softly.

I stared into Jimin's eyes as he finished rubbing off the blood on my forehead and hear my eye.

There is something about this kid...I kept thinking to myself.

"Okay, let's get this bandaged," Jimin sighed from exhaustion. 

Watching Jimin grab the bandages off the counter, I slowly stood up while trying not to put too much pressure on my wounded hand. I stared into the cracked mirror. Seeing myself so torn up really hit me in a place I never cared to learn about. 

Are you going to live a life of hate, Jeon JungKook? I asked myself as I stared at my deformed face due to the crack of the mirror, Your mother is happy. Why can't you be happy too? You know it's for the best.

"JungKook?" Jimin called. 

I snapped out of it and slowly turned to him with tears in my eyes again.

"I called you five times. You okay?" Jimin asked as he held out his hand to me.

Without saying anything, I reached out hesitantly for Jimin's hand. I didn't really want to because I didn't completely trust him. Jimin was just too nice, especially to someone like me. Something was drawing me to Jimin though and it could not be stopped. I tried to fight it but, I soon was holding his hand as I walked over towards him.

"Why are you so nice to me?" I bluntly asked, "I don't deserve any of this."

"Everyone deserves to be cared for, even if they may not deserve it. You are different from the others though. That's why I like you the most," Jimin smiled.

Wrapping my hand with the bandages, Jimin began to hum a tune very familiar to me. So familiar that I even began humming along with him in unison.

"Oh!" Jimin grinned, "You know that song too?"

"Uh, I guess?" I said in a confused tone.

"I hear your dad hum it while he's in his office. I don't know the name of the song but, I like the melody of it," Jimin happily said, "Did he used to sing it to you?"

"Maybe?" I said.

Jimin suddenly looked saddened, "You don't remember, do you?"

Instantly, memories flashed before my eyes.

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