Chapter 2

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"Soon-to-be step brother?" I repeated, "My dad never told me about you though."

"Well, that was supposed to be a surprise," Jimin replied as he licked his lips.

I rolled my eyes to the back of my head so hard, I could basically see my brain.

"Some surprise," I muttered under my breath. 

Jimin remained quiet for some time while he, creepily, continued staring at me from the waist up. His eyes landed on my stomach, which made me look down too. I failed to notice that my shirt wasn't pulled all the way down, due to my nap. Catching Jimin, slightly, blush at my exposed six pack, I quickly pulled my shirt over my belt buckle while feeling utterly uneasy. To avoid further conversation Jimin, I began to text Hoseok again.

Apparently, I have a step brother now, I sent to Hoseok. 

As I waited for a reply, I made the mistake of looking up, from my phone, and locking eyes with Jimin.

Has he been staring at me this whole time?! I thought to myself with an unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach. 

God, was this guy weird. It was hard to even fathom that this weirdo would be my brother in a few months. I just couldn't take it any longer. Jimin was really starting to creep me out. 

"Do you always do that? Stare at people, I mean," I bluntly asked Jimin. 

"I only stare at people I like," Jimin answered quickly with another suggestive grin. 

I was a bit puzzled. I wasn't sure of how to take it. 

"Jimin, I don't understa-" 

"Dinner is ready boys!" My father yelled into the room with huge smile on his face. 

Keeping a close eye on Jimin, as I walked by him and into the hallway, I couldn't shake the feeling that something just wasn't right about that guy. 

He only stares at the people he likes? I asked myself in confusion, Maybe he didn't mean anything by it?

As my father continued to set the food onto the table, with the help of Jimin, as I sat down at in the seat, furthest to the wall, while I read Hoseok's text.

Step brother? The lady has a son? Hoseok asked. 

Yea. Jimin is his name and he's such a weirdo....and short. I don't think we'll get along much, I replied.

"Kook, we could really use your help, son," dad called to me.  

"I think you guys got it," I responded without even looking up from my phone. 

I heard my dad scoff, loudly, as my thumbs continued to hit against the screen of my phone. 

Dude, I want to go home already, I told Hoseok, I can't enjoy myself here. I feel like I'm in a house full of strangers. 

"Boys, I'm back with desert!" a female voice shouted.  

After hearing the front door loudly shut, in came running a short woman with short black hair and dressed in an outfit you would wear to a desk job. She quickly hopped into my father's arms after tossing a white grocery bag onto the island counter. Right in front of me, she began to kiss my dad.

As I watched, in downright disgust, I could feel the blood inside me boil to a temperature unknown to man. I couldn't even hide the anger on the outside. I looked over at Jimin as if this was all his fault. I clenched my fist so tight, my fingers could break. The veins on my forehead, neck and arms began to pop through the skin. If something wasn't done about them kissing soon, I would explode. With a terrified look upon his face, Jimin began to clear his throat loudly to get my dad and his fiance's' attention.

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