Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Sure," I stoop down slightly so I'm just a few inches from her. Hazel's cheek flush sending a rush of adrenaline through my veins. 

"It was my constant whining wasn't it." 

"That," I shrug lightly, smiling at the beautiful girl in front of me, "and the fact that we're here." 

Hazel's face changes instantaneously from nervous to annoyed to excited in record time. An embarrassingly loud laugh bursts through my lips at her quick change of expression.

"My frustrations mean nothing to you," she reproaches me.

"I should think they matter quite a bit. Can't have my girl Hazel angry with me now," I smile down at her, but when Hazel stares back at me like a doe eyed puppy, I realize how my words may be construed. 

Is she my girl? Hazel nervously coughs, but tries to cover it up with a light chuckle. 

I'll take that as a no then.

"Okay.. so.." Hazel waves her hands as she turns around to take in the scene, "where is here, exactly?" I barely hear her over my whizzing thoughts.

"I told you, it really isn't much-" I begin, rubbing the back of my neck nervously. Hazel's eyes finally look up and a small gasps leaves her rosy mouth.

"A treehouse?" Hazel whirls around, having identified my childhood sanctuary.

"I mean I always preferred tree fort," I tease as she rolls her eyes playfully, "but yea. It's a tree house." I reply in a flat tone that fails to hide my nerves as I try to gage her reaction.

"Can we go up?" Hazel asks, answering her own question as she marches forward towards the ladder.

"After you," I chuckle. 

Well, here goes nothing.

Hazel's P.O.V

Harry's treehouse is just about the niftiest thing I've seen in ages. Perched high up in a grove of trees, the little wooden house floats above us, its rustic wood blending into the orange foliage.

"When you reach the top of the ladder, be careful," Harry warns from behind me as my hands grip onto the wooden planks nailed to one of the trees.

"What's that?" I call down playfully, "Jump to the right?" 

"Hazel, I'm serious."

"So am I!" I yelp back in protest.

"Roses, I think you've fallen over every single time we've been together. For the love of all things holy, do not fall out of this tree!" he playfully yells at me.

I pause my climb at this realization. "Oh good gosh!" I look down at Harry, who stares up at me with a wide grin. "I think you're right!"

"I know I'm right," he boasts, a look of seriousness set on his charming features. Of course, the boy can't help himself, and after a short pause adds, "It's cause I'm easy to fall for, isn't it?"

Harry wiggles his eyebrows, proud of his terrible pun and I can't help but burst out laughing.  Of course he's easy to fall for, especially for his sense of humor. I figured that out very quickly on our date the other night. But two can play at that game.

"Oh goodness, I just can't seem to control my swooning!" I wipe my brow playfully before dramatically throwing my arm to the side as I pretend to faint.

"Bloody hell, woman!" Harry's smug grin turns to pure worry making me fall into another fit of laughter. "Would you please be careful!"

"Alright, alright.." I relinquish, still chuckling to myself as I continue to climb up. When I reach the top of the make-shift ladder, I see why Harry warned me. The ladder doesn't really lead you up to the deck, but rather adjacent to it, with a decent sized gap between the tree and the actual landing. With just a little sidewise hop, though, I'm able to land safely and wait for Harry to follow up after me.

No Matter What // Harry Styles AU -- Dunkirk inspiredOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz