Chapter Five: Unpleasent Memories

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Pic of Kaida-Rin on the side! ... Not! see, it's a file and i need to put it on the internet some how so that i can put it in here... GOMEN! (lol! go-men. *giggle* i'm so immature!) If you have any drawings of Kaida PLEASE SEND THEM TO ME!!!!! But there is another pic on the side that is kinda funny instead. :)

This chapter is dedicated to "hungryakimitchi" for his/her(s) enthusiasm towards meh story. Hope ya's enjoy!!!!

Chapter Five: The Hospital

*** Shikaku’s POV ***

Hokage – sama wanted me to take her to Inoichi to look into her memories. So I suggested that Kaida and I go to the hospital to get her shots and knock her out somehow to take her to Inoichi’s team. I’m afraid of what he’s going to find and I’m sorry that I have to trick her into it. Maybe I can talk her into it. She did say she couldn’t say anymore out loud because it hurt too much to talk about it. She’s a very sweet girl with a strong constitution. I’m sure she’ll agree or at least understand.

“Where are we going?” She asked sounding bored with an undertone of curiosity. She was looking straight ahead with her hands in her pockets. I approached the hospital subject carefully, not wanting to scare her.

“We don’t know what diseases you might have or what you’re immune to. We have to go to the hospital to get your vaccinations and get some disease tests done.” She tensed and stopped I stopped and look back at her. “These people are doctors, not scientists. They are trained to help patients, not harm them. Kaida, you know it makes sense. You don’t want to hurt others by accident, do you?” She bit her lip thinking hard. She suddenly jumped on the tall brown fence next to hang upside down with her arms swinging loose. After a few moments, she sighed in defeat and flipped off the fence to right side up. She nodded signaling me to continue. I nodded back, complying and completely ignoring her antics that (apparently) help her think. We soon reached the hospital and I turned to her. “I will protect you no matter what.” I promised. “Do you trust me?” She thought for a moment.

“Yes.” I could feel her intense gaze even though I couldn’t see her beautiful eyes. I ruffled her hair and hugged her. I took her hand and we walked through the doors of the hospital. Kaida stuck to me like glue. I felt awful putting her through this, but it was necessary. I gave the receptionist the code name Hokage – sama had given her – Yukari. We were led to a room and Kaida was given a hospital gown to change into. I turned to leave for a minute while she dressed. “Um… Could you just turn around please?” She asked, once again, timidly. I couldn’t resist her plea to not leave her alone.

“Sure.” I faced the corner like a gentleman and turned to face her when she said. Her entire body was covered in bandages.

“Kaida, why do you have so many bandages on?” I asked concerned.

“… Scars…” She answered ashamed, then cleared her throat. “I don’t really have normal looking skin. It’s all wrinkled and discolored …it’s disgusting. Trust me.” She said it matter – of – factly, but I knew she was dying on the inside. She was truly ashamed of herself. I’d have to talk to Ibiki about her low self – esteem. One false move on his part could shatter their fragile relationship.

“You have a beautiful soul, and that’s all that matters.” I assured the little girl. She sent me a small smile.

Wait… if she is so scarred… wouldn’t her face be distorted too?’  The door opened and the doctor walked in. Suddenly, Kaida sat ramrod straight, shoulders back, head held high and a displeased frown securely in place. She looked so much like Ibiki it was laughable. From this angle, I could see a long thin scar, several shades lighter than her skin, run from the left side of her hair line, just above her emerald eye and temple, to the corner of her pale jaw, where it pivoted and ran the length of it down to her chin. A person could only see it if they were really looking for it and most of it was hidden by her currently misplaced side bangs.

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