A shaking Draco in his arms brought Harry back to reality, and he sighed. They were going to have to move through the windy open corridors before they would make it to the sheltered insides of the castle. Alas, it did not end there. The castle was frigid inside, doing well at retaining the cold in winter as it did the heat in summer.

Nonetheless, the longer they stayed here, the more optional it was for Draco to get sick. "Were going to have to move quickly, alright?" Harry's voice was laced with concern as he looked at Draco, hands pressing to the boy's cheeks. Draco's face was already cold to the touch, but he managed to hum in agreement.

Harry tucked Draco into his side, and wrapped his cloak around the both of them, mostly to keep the wind off Draco. The blonde, in turn, wrapped his arms around Harry and hugged his side tightly. Then, and only then, were they ready to venture out into the cold wind.

It was odd to walk at first, with the two of them clinging to each other, but they eventually found a rhythm that made it work for both of them to walk easily enough, and at a reasonably fast pace.

Harry could feel Draco growing colder by the minute, and was getting more worried about his health. They picked up the pace slightly, and in a billow of scarves and flapping cloaks, burst into the castle with a gush of icy wind. It was better now that they were in the castle, but the air was frigid and still around them, which didn't mark matters better for Draco.

They passed very few students loitering around, most of them were still dining on lunch in The Great Hall. Though Harry could care less about what everyone though of him and Draco, he preferred that no one saw Draco in this state but him. The boy in his arms was open to vulnerability at this very moment.

Draco just tried to hold on to Harry as tight as he could, to soak up the fiery warmth the he was radiating. November was his least favourite month of the year, but that didn't mean he hated winter, he just wasn't a huge fan of the freezing temperatures.

It wasn't long before Harry had guided them in the direction of the Slytherin common room that Draco properly realised where they were going. The raven muttered the password to the portrait guarding the dungeons, and it swung open, allowing them to step inside. There were a couple younger students milling about, but Harry thought nothing of them as he ushered Draco up the stairs to the furthest door; his.

It was infinitely warmer in Harry's room, as the fireplace had been roaring all day. Draco just about melted into Harry as they entered. The older boy found it amusing and held tightly onto Draco as he removed both of their cloaks and scarves. Draco would've fallen over otherwise.

After a bit of fluffing about with extra clothing articles, Harry guided Draco over to the comfortable armchair in front of his fireplace. Still dressed in full uniforms and sweaters - because it was too cold to remove anything further - the older boy sat down first, pulling Draco into his lap after him. He loved having Draco cuddle up on his lap in front of the fire, those were his favourite moments.

Draco rearranged himself on Harry's lap, so that his legs were tucked up to his chest, and he was more facing and leaning on Harry than anything else. He lay his head down on the boy's shoulder and nuzzled his neck with his nose. It tickled Harry and he huffed out a gently breathy laugh.

Both of them sat quietly in each other's presence, listening to the crackle of the burning wood and thinking about the day they've had. It was the first okay day Draco has had in a while, and he smiled lightly before making little kisses on Harry's neck. Said boy titled his head to the side a short way to give the blond better access, and rose one hand to Draco's head, to gently further him forward onto his neck, and then brought his hand to lay just on the underside of Draco's neck, the thumb gliding back and forth gently on the silk skin under his ear.

Looking Beyond The Lies (Drarry) (Boyxboy)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें