Bump in the road

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Here's chapter 20 enjoy :)
(Xavier's P.O.V)

"Adam wake up, what's wrong." I shook him trying to get him up.

"Adam come on." I got off the bed and sat him up until his eyes fluttered open.

"Are you okay? You were shaking."

"I'm cold." He mumbled and pulled me to him and got as close as possible

"Your actually warm."

"No it's freezing in here." He sneezed and rubbed at his nose and even though I could tell he was sick he looked absolutely adorable.

"My throat hurts."

"I know, you need medicine." I kissed at his cheek and his body relaxed completely into mine.

"No, don't leave me yet, you're so warm."

"Okay fine." I kissed his cheek and he smiled into my chest.

"How long have I been sleeping?"

"Well its like 7:47 and I fell asleep an hour after you so you have been sleep for pretty much 3 hours and 39 min."

"I hate that your good at math."

"No you don't you think its hot."

"Maybe." I smiled at his attractiveness and pulled him so my entire body was wrapped around his smaller one.

"Wait, wheres Amanda." He said raising his head quickly then wincing at the headache.

"Its okay, shes at a friends house. Just lay down, ill go get you something to eat from the kitchen."

"I don't want to, it hurts." He whined.

"You need to babe, you haven't eaten since last night."

"I've gone days without eating."

"That's not healthy, i'm supposed to keep you safe and make sure your okay. So can you please eat, for me?" I begged

"Fine, but not right now, your too warm."I held him for half an hour or so before he finally let me get up to get him food. I told him to stay and eat while I wen't to the drug store to get him something for his cold.

"Adam come here." I yelled through the house only to hear my echo in respond.

"Adam?" I went into the bedroom where he was and all I found was blankets and sheets on the floor and a note. I didn't even need to read it completely to know it was Daniels hand writing.

"Not again!" My body burned with range, I was seething with anger as I got in my car.

I stopped when I reached the open land with the tree house standing tall. I knew exactly why he wanted me to be there. It was where we had our first kiss. He has a key to the gate which I forgot to get back.

"Adam." I walked in the door to see him sitting on the bean bag. I picked him up and pulled him into a tight embrace . I pulled him outside not even acknowledging Daniel.

"Are you okay? How do you feel? Did he...." I rushed out before he stopped me

"I..I'm fine." I would have believed him if he didn't sound so scared

"Okay..just go to the car i'll be right there." I placed a kiss on his cheek and whispered a quick I love you in his ear before he walked away.

"I wasn't going to hurt him." Daniel said as I turned to face him.

He stood there with his arms crossed leaning against the house with that stupid look on his face, I just wanted to punch him.

"You already did hurt him." I said with my teeth gritted.

"That was not on purpose."

"So your fists connected with his body by accident." I screamed losing all control and he just shrugged. I went to slap him but he caught my hand.

"Not again." I ripped my hand away from his and backed up which just caused him to come closer.

"Why wont you just leave us alone! Why would you bring him out here especially when its freezing and he has a cold!"

"What are you his mother now?"

"No, I care about him." my eyes burned from tears almost spilling out of my eyes

"Your supposed to be mine, we were supposed to be happy."

"We were, we were happy but we were happier being best friends. We didn't have to run or hide, but you had to go and ruin that by hurting my friends and my boyfriend. We could still be friends right now but its your fault that were not and the sad part is I cherished your friendship. I could always go to you when I needed anything and to this day I still miss that." I couldn't stop the tears, they forced there way out.

"Baby why are you crying?" His voice lowered and he stepped forward.

"No, you don't get to call me that anymore. Us, were over and were done and nothing you can say can change my mind."

"But I miss you, so much. I miss holding you and touching you and..kissing you" Before I had any chance to react his lips were on mine.

For the first time in forever his lips touched mine again. He tasted exactly as I remember and I was in so much shock that It took me to realize this was Daniel I was kissing, he hurt my boyfriend and then I remembered Adam. I was going to push him away but he backed up. His eyes were locked on something behind me and I turned around to see my boyfriend standing there. He was crying and shaking, he looked weak just broken and it was my fault.

"Adam..I" He shook his head and just ran away out of sight, I tried to go after him but I had no clue where he went. I slammed my fists on the hood of my car and just broke down.


"Just stop, please."

"Do you love him? Do you love Adam?"

"Yes, more then anything."

"Then go get him."

"Why are you trying to help me."

"I do have a heart you know, after I..attached Adam I just walked away and about 10 min after I felt extremely bad about it. What I did was purely out of pain and anger it wasn't anything against him. Seeing his face just now made me feel worse I can see know how much you both care about each other. I only bought Adam here to get you talking to me again. I swear that I wasn't going to hurt him. All you want to do is all I wanted to do when we were together. Protect him, keep him safe and love him. All I ever wanted to do was make sure you were happy but I can't do that anymore. The last thing I want to do is be the one who causes you pain. I hurt Dylan and Austin because I was jealous that they got to have exactly what I wanted. learn from my mistake, you might need to give him a little time but don't wait to long and risk losing him forever."

"Thanks Daniel, I guess you haven't changed as much as I thought."

"So can we go back to being friends because I still want you in my life. "

"Yeah." I gave him a warn smile and he returned it. I pulled him into a hug and he didn't hesitate to hug back. Its going to take a while for us to get back to were we were but maybe it's possible.

"Now go find your boyfriend. " He pushed me towards my car and smiled one last time before I went to do exactly what he said, find Adam.

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