First Date?

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Here's chapter 3 enjoy  =)


(Xavier's P.O.V)

I woke up on the floor of my living room, I must have rolled off in my sleep. I was so tired so i decided to just not move. Last night all I could think about was Adam. I don't know what it was, there was just something about him. He just looked so small and fragile but mysterious at the same time, and those eyes. Those eyes just completely put me in a trance.  His voice was just so cute and I wanted to pick him up and hold him in my arms. Then being the idiot I am I asked a total stranger for there number. All I wanted to do was call him and......

That's when I slapped my self in the face

"What am i doing" I whisper yelled to my self 

I'm not gay, but when I look at him its like no girl could even come close to him. I furiously ran my hand through my hair and sighed. I pushed myself off the floor and went into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee and i mean a lot of coffee.


(Adam's P.O.V) 

I sat up in my bed and looked at the wall. Yesterday was the weirdest day of my life, I was taking a walk but it took a little longer then expected. I had my headphones on full volume and i was looking down at my feet. That's when someone bumped into me and it was Xavier Taylor i'm pretty sure. After a short but very awkward conversation i gave him my number.

I spent most of the night checking my phone. He was so hot and all I was thinking about was his hair and his eyes. His abs were so visible through his shirt and his voice was so smooth. 

All I wanted was to hear it again, it was so nice to actual have someone want to talk to me. I've barley spoken to anyone in years let alone a guy as hot as him.

I decide that I was going to take a shower. I placed my phone on my bed and went into the bathroom. While I was in the shower I heard my ring tone go off. 

"Crap" I reached for my towel and tried to get to my bed without falling

I grabbed my phone and hit answer, that's when I heard his voice

"Hey Adam" He started talking but he sounded kind of nervous

"Hey" I replied while rummaging through my drawer for something to wear

"So are you free today, and if your not then..then that's fine" Is he asking me out?

"Yeah I am"

"I was wondering....if... if you wanted to come to the park with me today" He started stuttering

"Um yeah that sounds..great" I couldn't refuse

"Okay so do you want me to pick you up or should we just meet each other there?" 

"Um i'll meet you there" I couldn't have him knowing where I live

"Okay ill see you in like 10 min?"



"Okay bye" I hung up the phone and fell to the floor

Did Xavier Taylor just ask me out? I've always thought I was gay but I never really had strong feelings for a guy. I continued to think about it but that's when I remembered I had to be at the park in 10 min.


(Xavier's P.O.V)

I was sitting on the park bench waiting for Adam. Am I crazy? I basically just asked out a guy that I don't know. But it was like I thought about him and it drive'd me to call him. Next thing I know i'm asking him to come to the park with me.

That's when I saw him entering the park on his skate board and my hands started sweating.

"Hey Xavier"

"Hey" It was so awkward you could see it from a mile away

After a while of silence he finally spoke

"So" He put his hands in his pockets and looked into my eyes, it sent my heart into overdrive.

"Yeah this is awkward, do you just want to get some frozen yogurt?" I asked him

"Sure" He picked up his board and we started walking

"You can ride it if you want I think I can stay caught up with you."

"You want to bet on that?" He gave me a devilish grin 

"Okay the last one at the fro-yo stand pays"

"Okay deal" We shook hands and he positioned himself on his skate board

"1..2..3" With that we were both off 

At first I was in the lead and he caught up. I loved the way his hair blew up in the wind. I tripped but i didn't fall. That gave him a huge advantage and he ended up winning.

"Good..Job" I said panting

"Ha you lose" He laughed at me which was so adorable

"Whatever come on lets order."

"Excuse me can I help you 2?" The lady behind the counter asked

"Ill have a strawberry" we both said in unison

"Two strawberry coming up" She disappeared into the back 

"Your favorite flavor is strawberry?" I asked him

"Yeah" She came back with 2 cups in her hands. I pulled out my money and payed for our yogurt, We both thanked her  and continued our walk. The rest of the day went really good, we spent it talking about our plans for the summer. I had to resist holding his hand , I just wanted to touch him so bad.

We finally reached the end of the park and we got ready to go our separate ways

"So i guess i'll see you tomorrow?" I asked

"Yeah and thank you for today" he whispered

"No thank you, it was amazing"

"Yeah I" That's when I couldn't take it 

I put my finger under his chin and lifted his face towards mine. It felt like forever but our lips finally connected.

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