Happy birthday (pt.1)

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Here's chapter 24 enjoy
(Xavier's P.O.V)

"Adam get off of me." Amanda's giggle echoed throughout the partially empty living room.

"No, give me my phone back."

"I want to see the pictures." We were going through Adams phone looking at all the pictures I took of us.

"No I'm blushing in all of them and I look so awkward it's embarrassing." I stepped behind him and picked him up off of Amanda and sitting him on my lap, giving her full access to all the photos.

"Why did you do that I almost got it back." He whined looking at me

"Because you look so good in all of those pictures." I whispered in his ear and kissed at his neck.

"You guys have been all over each other for the past 2 weeks, just do it already." She mumbled

It's true, being away from Adam for those 3 days felt like a lifetime. I couldn't keep my hands off of him even if I wanted to. As for the doing it part, we've done stuff but not entirely. Thats not happening until Adam says he wants it.

"Babe not in front of Amanda." He whined again and his cheeks turned bright red.

"Later then." I kissed his neck one last time before sitting him on the couch next to me.

"I'm tired take me to the room."

"Your so lazy." I couldn't resist those eyes so I lifted him up and bought him into the bedroom.

"Okay, Adams going to sleep, which is good because we need to discuss." Amanda settled on the couch next to me still scrolling through the phone.

"Okay you need to keep him out of the house for at least six hours. Everything will be done by the time you both come back."

"I still don't understand how they can do it all so fast."

"My parents know people, a lot of people."

"Okay I trust you, I just want his 17th birthday to be perfect."

"Speaking of birthdays, why didn't you celebrate yours, it was last week."

"I was more concerned with Adam's. Plus I've had plenty of birthdays, Adam hasn't."

"I've never seen someone so in love with someone else before."

"He's my world."

"Me and Adam haven't been in each other's lives for long but I love him more then anyone else."

"He just has that effect on people."
(Adams P.O.V)

"Wake up, wake up, its your birthday, get the hell up." I opened my eyes to see Xavier jumping on the mattress.

"Ugh, what time is it?"


"Why so early?"

"Because I have things planned so get up and lets go."

"Can I at least put clothes on?"

"No time, do it in the car." I was then dragged in nothing but my underwear out side and into the front seat of Xavier's car.  He threw clothes at me and I immedialty slid them on.

"Wait, what about Amanda."

"Don't worry she's fine."

"Are you sure because every time they say that in movies the person always ends up hurt, kidnapped or dead."

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