Daniel (pt.1)

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Here's chapter 15 enjoy
(Xavier's P.O.V)

"Baby wake up."  I nudged Adam, he just groaned and turned around.

"Come on Adam." He gave in and sat up, I held him in between my legs with my chin rested on his shoulder.

"Why did you wake me up?" He said sleepy rubbing at his eyes, looking absolutely adorable.



"If your not okay we can skip."

"I'm fine are you ok?"


"Are you sure?"

"I am 100% sure."

"Okay" I kissed him on the cheek and got out the bed causing him to fall back.

"I'm going to take a shower."

"Okay.. But the water is pretty much cold."

"OK thanks" I walked into the bathroom and I looked around. The paint was chipping and half the stuff was broken. I turned on the water and stepped in after stripping myself of my clothes. The water was mostly cold as Adam said but for some reason I didn't mind it. Adam went to change in the other bedroom I guess because he wasn't in there when I came out.

We finally left the broken down house and headed to school which was the last place we wanted to be.

"Are you absolutely sure your okay?" Adam looked at me with his big green eyes as if he knew exactly what I was feeling. I knew he could and he could tell when I was lying to him , he could tell my emotions just by looking at me. I didn't even have to say anything, he just did. It was the same way with me, I knew if he wasn't okay with one look. But he also knew when I didint want to talk about it. If I lied to him then he would usually just not pry any further. I only lied to him when I really wasn't okay. But this time I wasn't lying, I spent every night thinking about the worst thing that could happen and this wasn't even close. I know I'll feel different later because that's just how I am, my emotions are always all over the place but as for now I'm okay.

"Yeah I'm fine."  He put his hand on my thigh and kissed the side of my mouth before giving me a big smile I did the same and we got out the car heading into school together.

Daniel still wasn't there, no body has any idea where he could have gone. But at the moment I didn't care. Austin and Dylan were safe, that's all that matters.

The first of my classes were okay even though they were very boring. Right before lunch I met Adam in the boys bathroom. Luckily it was the one farthest away from the classes so no one uses it

"I missed you." I said into Adams neck while holding his hand.

"I saw you two periods ago" He said laughing in my ear.

"'And who do you think I was thinking about since then."

"I love you."

"I love you too." He placed a kiss on my neck and I did the same.

"Now let's get to lunch the others are gonna be wondering where we are."

When we got there Hunter, Abby, Jonah, Dylan, Austin, Alice and G were all there.

"Where were you guys, lunch started ten minutes ago." G questioned.

"In the bathroom." I responded nonchalantly.

"Yeah, probably making out." Abby muttered and the others laughed.

"What are you talking about." Adam asked looking fidgety.

"You can cut the act, we know your dating." 

"How?" I asked confused are we obvious?

"We see the way you two look at each other, you're obviously in love." Alice said causing Adam to blush, making me want to kiss him right there.

"Okay it's true" Hunter let out a sigh of relief

"Thank god, because we weren't sure about any of that we were hoping you would tell us."

"I hate all of you" Adam said to them.

"Whatever" Jonah said 

Me and Adam were interrogated the entire lunch hour. When we met, where we met, our first kiss, the first I love you, no detail was left untold. I could tell Adam was over joyed and so was I. It felt good to finally tell them about our relationship, I hate having to hide it. Having it out in the open just made it feel like it was one less thing to worry about.
Another week gone another weekend begins. But the best part is it's a three day weekend because of some holiday I forgot about. 

Adam decided to go to the store to get food. I got a massive headache so he made me stay home.

After about an hour I got a call that made my heart stop.

"Xavier help"

Everything I need (boyxboy)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें