End it?

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Here's chapter 22 enjoy
(Xavier's P.O.V)

"Adam! Adam!" I sighed and turned around, walking to the next block.

"Xavier give it up." Amanda came up behind me and grabbed my arm.

"No, I have to find him. He didn't come home Sunday night and he hasn't been in school for the past two days."

"I know and you haven't slept, eaten, done any homework or even had any human contact other then me. You refuse to talk to your friends because you can't even look them in the eye. You need to take a break."

"That's not going to get Adam back. That's not going to get him to forgive me." I cried.

"And neither is this."

"What if he's hurt, he's sick he could be dying somewhere. What if he cries so much his eyes fall out huh? What if.."

"Your talking crazy now!! Adam is fine, he just needs a little time."

"I can't take this, that look on his face is all I can think about. I was supposed to be the one who protects him, so he would never get hurt again. But this time I was the one who hurt him. I need to fix this, I love Adam more then I love anything else in the world. I can't live with the fact that I broke him." My legs gave out and I fell to the sidewalk with my knees to my chest crying.

"Xavier please stop crying." My whole body was trembling, my head hurt and my eyes burned. Not crying wasn't even an option. Everything from the past three days just came spilling out on that sidewalk.

"I'm not saying Adam isn't coming back to you, I know he will. You cant force it, Adam needs to time to think about what happened. What you need to do is go inside and get some sleep. I care about you okay, I can't stand to see you like this." What she said was true, Adam will come back when he's ready. I gave Amanda a quick hug and we walked back to the house in complete silence.

The light in the room flickered until it completely gave out. I moved over to the bed in the pitch black room. I've been avoiding sleep, I can't remember the last time I fell asleep without Adam. My favorite part of the day was having his small body pressed against mine, kissing every piece of exposed skin I could reach and telling him that I loved him until I could hear the sound of his light snores. All I wanted at that very moment was to hear Adams voice. To hear his angelic laugh echo thorough my ear drums. My perfect boyfriend, Everything I want and need. I swear that if I get him back I will treat him ten times better then I did before. My goal will always be making him feel like he deserves the world because he does. I would give him everything he wanted, if only I could.
(Adams P.O.V)

"You have to come to school eventually."

"No I don't" Me, Austin, Dylan, Jonah, G, Abby, Hunter and Alice were all piled in Jonah's room. Me and G on the bed, Austin and Dylan on the 2 chairs and Hunter, Alice and Abby on the floor with Jonah laying across all three of them. Pizza boxes, bags of chips, candy and soda bottles were all over the room

"Adam, you cant avoid him forever, its not good."

"I'm fine."

"That's the biggest lie I have ever heard. You were crying in your sleep last night." Jonah said shoving a piece of pizza in his mouth.

"I was not." He just gave me a look and I threw my head back laying it against the headboard

"Xavier feels guilty, he won't look at us let alone talk to us. Your both hurting so why not just end it now." G said looking me in the eye

"I don't want to break up with Xavier. I love him, he made everything in my life better. I'm trying to forgive what happened, I know it wasn't completely his fault but I just don't want to get hurt again."

"We went through this already, this is Xavier were talking about. He would rather die then be without you. Your Adam and Xavier, the whole balance of the universe gets thrown off if your not together. Your coming to school with us tomorrow and you two are going to work it out." I would have argued but Hunter was right and intimidating.


"Great now on to the next topic, Alice's new girlfriend." Alice groaned as we all erupted in laughter and spent the rest of the night joking and laughing. The only thing that could have made it better was If Xavier was there.

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