Happy birthday (pt.2)

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Here's chapter 25 enjoy ;)
(Adams P.O.V)

I was wet, cold and tired and really just wanted to sleep. We turned the corner to get to our street and pulled up in front of the house. Except it wasn't our house, it didn't look like it. 

"Xavier did we take a wrong turn somewhere?"

"No, this is the house."

"Did you do this too?"

"It was my idea but Amanda and her people executed it." The roof wasn't caving in anymore, there were new windows and it was all freshly painted. The grass was cut and there were even flowers planted.

He stepped out the car and guided me into the house. The new furniture was beautiful and there was a huge flat screen tv on the wall. But the thing that surprised me the most was the two people sitting on the couch beside Amanda.

"Mom, dad?"

"What the hell?" Xavier breathed out just loud enough for me to here. 

"Adam, look at you I can't believe your 17." My mom stood up and wrapped her arms around me but I was frozen in my spot.

"How....how did you find me." I was choked up with both tears of sadness and anger.

"We found the people that adopted your sister, thus leading us to you." My father explained getting off of the couch.

"Why are you here?" My fists clenched at my sides

"It's your birthday silly." My mom laughed

"No, why now its been 8 years. You completely left and forgot about me for 8 years why the hell would you show up now." My voice raised and I was trying so hard not to loose it completely.

"We weren't ready, we told you this...."

"No you didn't, you wrote it in a letter. You abandoned your 9 year old son and then gave your daughter up for adoption. If she wouldn't have tracked me down I probably would have never knew I had a sister. Did you think after all this time you could just come back and give me a sorry excuse? No way, just get out." I pointed at the door and they looked shocked


"Just go." Amanda spoke up in tears on the couch.

"Okay, we left our numbers on the kitchen table. If you ever want to talk just call, we're really sorry." They walked out the house shutting the door quietly behind them.

I pulled Amanda into my arms as she sobbed into my shoulder as I sobbed into hers. Xavier came behind us encasing both of us in his arms. We stayed that way for a couple minutes before I realized that Amanda cried herself to sleep. I carried her to her room and laid her on her bed.

Xavier was waiting on the couch for me and I sat down on his lap.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just shocked."

"Well, it's still your birthday."

"Oh yeah it is." I attacked his lips with mine and the kiss slowly turned into one of fiery passion. My hands tangled in his hair as he moaned into my mouth. I reached to pull his shirt off but he stopped me, he knew exactly what I wanted.

"Wait, Adam are you sure about this. After what just happened...."

"Yes I'm sure, we were having a perfect day now let's finish it."

                                                                                                                                             Maria (Adams mom)

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                                                                               Maria (Adams mom)

                                                                                                                                             Maria (Adams mom)

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                                                                            James (Adams Father)

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