Summer again

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Here's the unofficial last chapter, enjoy 😊

(Xavier's P.O.V)

"SUMMER!" All I could do was scream the second we walked out of school.

"This summer is going to be awesome." Abby's face beamed with excitement.

"How do you know that?" Alice questioned

"I just do."

"So what should we do?" Adam asked

"I say we go to the beach." I suggested

"What is up with you and the beach."

"I love the beach and It will one day be my home."

"Whatever you say." He shook his head at me.

"The beach is closed for clean up Xavier." Jonah said looking at his phone and running his hand through his freshly dyed purple hair.

"Then where are we supposed to go?"

"The mall." Alice and Abby said simultaneously.

All of us groaned indicating that it wasn't happening.

"Do you have any bright Ideas?"

"The movies?" Hunter suggested.

"Waste a perfectly sunny day inside of a dark theatre, I'm in." We all nodded in agreement

"Okay which one?''

"Horror movie." We all agreed, but Adam's body tensed.

"Oh yeah you hate horror movies." G remembered.

"No its fine I can handle it." I could tell he wasn't fine, he just didn't want to disappoint everyone. I would have confronted him but I knew he would feel embarrassed.

"Okay, lets go." We all loaded into me and Jonah's cars and drove off to the movie theatre.

"We don't have to watch the movie if you want. We can be that cliché couple that just sits in the back row to make out." I leaned closer to my boyfriend so nobody else could hear our conversation.

"I'll be fine, plus don't you think we do that enough at home?"

"I can never kiss you enough."

Once we got our tickets, we bought drinks, snacks, and candy and found seats together which wasn't easy because the theatre was packed.

The movie started off okay, it wasn't scary at all and Adam seemed fine. By the middle of the movie there was blood and guts everywhere. Adam was holding on to my arm so tight he was almost cutting off the circulation. I felt bad that he was scared but I also liked how he was holding on to me.

When the movie was finally over I couldn't feel my arm and Adam was so relived.

"Well that was awesome, Now I need food." Dylan was already dragging Austin back to the car with the others following.

"Adam are you okay, you seemed pretty freaked out."

"Yeah, I'm perfectly fine." His voice was a little shaky but he was still trying to convince me.

"I know you're not, but me and you can watch a movie at home later, whatever you want."

"Okay." I kissed him longer then expected because we heard Alice telling us to hurry up.

It took us 45 minutes but we all finally decided on a place to eat. It was a small dinner that had a double booth in the back. We piled in and immediately started scanning our menus because we were all starving. After ordering loads of food the conversation in the table increased.

"So, what are you guys going to do all summer." Hunter asked to no one in particular .

"I'm going to Paris with my father." Jonah spoke up

"That sounds awesome." I responded

"3 weeks of my drunken father and endless cracks about my sexuality. Its anything but."

"Well my mothers coming to visit for a week and all I'm going to here is endless fighting." Alice groaned

"I'm spending the summer alone because Dylan is going on vacation ." Austin pouted towards Dylan

"I told you its only for 4 weeks and then we have the rest of the summer." Austin didn't reply he just cuddled deeper into Dylan side. I felt bad for Dylan and Austin, It would kill me to leave Adam for that long.

"I'm spending the summer in my backyard, in my pool." Abby loved swimming more then anything, her answer didn't surprise me.

"Were going to Disney world which for me means chasing my sisters and cousins around making sure they don't run away." Hunters family was huge, he had 5 sisters and more cousins then I could count.

"What about you two." Abby motioned towards me and Adam.

"Well Amanda's parents want her to spend the summer with them. Since Alana no longer lives with her mom we didn't want her to spend the summer alone. But we also felt that she might pull her hair out spending it with 2 teenage boys so she's going with her." Adam explained to everyone

"So its just me and Adam all summer." Adam grabbed the hand of my arm that was thrown around his shoulder and smiled up at me

"So were all going to have pretty interesting summers." G commented

We talked for another 5 minutes before the food came. We all had to drag ourselves out of the diner because we ate so much. We all separated most likely not going to see each other for most of if not all summer.

Me and Adam messed around for a while before finally cuddling up on the couch to watch the movie of Adams choice.

"You know its amazing to think that about this time last year me and you had just started dating." I mentioned to Adam

"Oh yeah, that was the best summer of my life."

"Lets make this one even better."

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