Corick -Taking myself away...-

Start from the beginning

"What's your name shorty?" They guy askes me, noticing his voice isn't full. I stop staring and look into his eye, that looked at me curiously...

"N-Nick!" I said, putting my hand out to him. He took my hand, small shocks making their way up my arm.

"Nice name you got, my name is Cory." The pirate said...

A cyborg pirate, that's what he was, and became. He now sails around with his new found love, a girl. I knew I never stood a change, but it still broke my heart...

That why I want to end my sufforing, and go, go to a place I won't have to feel all the guilt and pain I fekt when he asked her to marry him.

And now, I want to take myself away...

I want to let the waves take me, just like he did on his boat...
Now I know where I want to go...

I feel myself walking towards the docks, and the beach that's behind it. I feel the cool breese across my face and I smell the sea. I walked to the sea, the cold blue waves look like his eyes, and the moon is half, like his smile towards me was when he asked for my name...

I looked, and I saw a small ship sailing away, and I remember when Cory let me see his ship for the first time.
It's called 'The Barberian'. In that moment, I so hoped I really was the one for him, because of the name of his ship.

I never had the change to ask...

I looked into the water, to see another reflection in it. My reflection, but now, it smiled at me, almost like it was luring me over to come. I look at the moon again, and I indeed feel myself smile back.

He took my heart away...
Without knowing that...
And he still holds it...
No matter what...

I take a step into the water, and the reflection faides away again. The water is soaking my shoes, like my tears soaked my sweater on the winternight Cory told me he had a girlfriend. I said I was happy for him, that they were tears of joy, but they weren't, they were sad, salty tears because I couldn't give him what he desirved...

I take anogher step, and another, until only my chest is above the blue waves. That's when I started to swim, swim to my freedom.

Within 10 minutes, I couldn't swim anymore, the cold made my blood feel like ice and I'm sure I was freezing. I felt myself sank to the bottom, only thinking if one thing...

Would he remember me?


"Wake up please!"

A voice, who seemed so far away, caught my attencion. I tried to reach it, but the black hands dragged me down, trying to make me sleep forever...

"Hey shorty, wake up!"

There it was again...
I try to get the black hands of. That voice sounds so painfully familiar, it's almost like I heard it before. I open my eyes to look into a bright light. I closed them inmideatly, but the voice apperantly saw it.

My Favorite Youtuber Oneshots!!   //Finished//Where stories live. Discover now