Round 59

726 33 27

Remember to check out the October prompt challenge! This month's prompt is:

It's the month of halloween! There have been many takes on ghost stories: romance, horror, even comedy. Write your own unique ghost story.

Vote! It helps NBR ;)

Commenting time frame (CST): 10/21 ~ 10/30

Moderator: swiftiegirl1010 

Comment Topic: Without a protagonist, there is no story. Comment on your first impressions on the main character and how well the author brought out their characterization.


Author #1: TimothyMarsh

Book Title: Ghost of Newsangtown

Specified Chapter: Explosive Drama

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Specified Chapter: Explosive Drama

Summary Thus Far in Book: Sixteen year old Louise just found out she is adopted and now is breaking up with her boyfriend over rumours he slept with Cassandra while drunk at a party. She hasn't confronted him yet. Karla is Louise's best friend.

Author's Note: I've read some brilliant writing in the NBR spotlighted chapters so am feeling very honoured to be in the spotlight now. I'm also grateful to be part of such a strong and talented community which is passionate about writing skills. Big thanks to all of those that work so hard to build and maintain NBR.

I've been in writer's groups and am very comfortable with a harsh critique style. I'd much rather be told accurately how bad something is, than have the edges rounded off for my comfort. Compliments only where they're truely earnt please.

Here's some questions I have:

1. Immersion, where you feel like an observer inside the story is very important. What jolted you out or suggestions to bring the reader in deeper?

2. I'm trying to write character driven drama so that all action comes from a realistic emotional place. Did you understand where all of the character's emotions were at and did this realistically drive their behaviour?

3. I know this novel is slower than Wattpad's more typical action packed style and I'm hoping to make it engaging by readers caring about Louise. Did you care about Louise enough to tolerate the slower pace?

Always glad to receive grammar, and other editing comments.

In-line Comment Preference: Not preferred

Genre: Teen Fiction - Thriller

Rating: PG-13 (Novel would be more like M.)

Winning Comment: Hey Timothy! Congrats for your spotlight!

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