He teaches you to

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He teaches you to

Zayn: ... draw. He'd noticed how you always watched him so intently when he did his artwork and eventually he asked you why. "I'm jealous. I always wished I was good at art,". And so he'd gone out and bought you your own sketchbook and equipment and showed you some basic techniques. You took what you'd learnt and attempted to draw the two of you, caricature style. Admittedly, the end result was shocking (though an improvement on your previous skill level), but Zayn was so proud, and insisted on having it framed. A wobbly drawn (Y/N) and Zayn now look at you as you enter your apartment - what a welcome!

Niall: ... play the acoustic guitar. "I've tried to learn loads of times from my dad but I can't do it," you whine as Niall hands you his favourite guitar. "That, is because you are way too impatient, and," he smiles at you cheekily, "I wasn't your teacher before. I can reward you with kisses,". Two weeks later you were proudly playing 'twinkle twinkle little star' to the boys (with no mistakes at all), earning yourself a huge round of applause as well as an "Encore! Encore!" from Louis.

Harry: ... speak french. "I am going to die," you sigh, "I'm not going to be able to order food or anything,". You were going to France for a fortnight with a volunteer group for the experience. "I'm trying to teach you some French now but you won't listen," Harry laughs at your frustrated expression. "Yeah, that's because you speaking french sounds way sexier than should be allowed, it's distracting," you playfully stick out your tongue, "You should just come with me, you can do all the talking,". Two weeks later, you run into his waiting arms at the airport, "I'm alive," you squeal before whispering in his ear with the perfect french accent, "J'ai tellement besoin de toi,". His eyes widen as he smirks down at you, quickly dragging you towards the waiting car, "I certainly did teach you well didn't I?".

Louis: ... drive. "Oh my god oh my god oh my god," you mumble, close to hyperventilating. "Calm down love, there's no one here, the car parks empty," he gestures outside the windows, "besides, it's you who wanted me to take you out in the car to show you the very basics before your first lesson,". "I'm scared i'll hurt you though," you turn to look at him, desperately, "I don't trust myself,". He reaches over and squeezes your hand tightly, "Well I trust you," he smiles, "Right so push down the clutch and put it into first...". Several months later, you run into Louis' outstretched arms crying. "It's ok babe, you can always -" he tries to reassure you, assuming by the tears that you'd failed. But you smile up at him through your wet eyes and tease, "Guess who they're letting loose on the roads?".

Liam: ... cook the best chocolate cake in the world. "It's like the only thing I can bake," Liam laughs, watching you gobble up a slice of the chocolate cake he'd just made. "I could die happy right now," you moan, savouring the last few bites. Liam reaches for your hand across the breakfast bar counter, "Don't say that, I never want you to do," he smiles, "Do you want me to let you in on the secret as to why it's so good?". You nod furiously and he laughs. "It's my great grandma's secret recipe, but I trust you with the secret," and he hands you an old looking piece of paper. Every time you'd have friends over, and you made the chocolate cake, everyone would love it, always. You and Liam simply smile at eachother knowingly.

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