Prom Night

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Prom Night

Harry:You were bummed that Harry couldn't make your senior prom because he was too busy on tour, but that wasn't stopping you from going. You'd rather go with no date than not go at all. Besides, it's the last year of high school and the only prom you'll ever have. You wanted this night to be as perfect as you could make it. You examined yourself one last time in the mirror. Your long coral dress fit perfectly and you loved it. Unfortunately, you're the fifth wheel tonight amongst your two best friends. They both have dates but they didn't want to leave you out. "Might as well." You thought to yourself. Your best friends were picking you up, along with their dates, in about thirty minutes. You had lots of time to spare. Suddenly, the door bell rung followed by a soft knock. That's weird, they're thirty minutes early. Your mouth hung open as you opened the door, revealing your popstar boyfriend dressed in a tuxedo. "Harry?!" You exclaimed. "What are you doing here? I thought you were on tou-" He cut you off with a kiss. "I couldn't leave my girlfriend alone tonight, could I?" He smirked. You hugged him tightly. "You're the best, Harry." You whispered into his ear. "I know." He replied cockily. Behind him was a long limousine, the door was opened by a chauffer awaiting you. You shook your head in disbelief. "I can't believe you did all this, Harry..." He put a comforting arm around you and kissed your temple lightly. "Well, are you ready to go?" He asked. But, there was one problem. You slumped. "I already told the girls I was going with them." He laughed lightly. "Don't worry, I took care of that." Then, he offered his hand and led you to the limo. You really did have the best boyfriend ever.

Niall:You looked around uncomfortably as all eyes were laid on you and your date, Niall Horan. You weren't used to all the attention and you didn't like it one bit. You told Niall he didn't have to come because he was all the way across the world on tour, but he insisted. This was your day and he wanted to make it as perfect as possible. Unfortunately, all the staring people made it a little hard. "Don't people know it's rude to stare?" You said loudly enough for the both of you to hear. He gripped your waist tighter and chuckled. "Don't worry, Princess. It's only you and me tonight, alright?" You nodded in agreement. When you both entered the building, of course you guys headed straight for the food even though you both just had dinner. "Do you wanna share a funnel cake?" Niall asked you. "Heck no!" You gave him a weird look. "I want my own!" He laughed loudly. "That's my Princess." He smiled proudly. After consuming basically the whole menu, you both headed to the dance floor. He snuck in kisses every now and then and showed you his Irish dance moves. This night couldn't get even more perfect.

Zayn:You piled on as much powder as you could on the huge zit on your chin. It had to appear today out of all days. After covering up as much as you could, you unhappily rushed to your bedroom to put on your dress. Zayn was arriving in less than thirty minutes. You were ecstatic that he flew all the way down to your hometown just to go to prom with you, but the nasty zit totally ruined your whole mood. You looked at yourself in the mirror and applied the last minute touches. You looked okay but could look better. You groaned in frustration when suddenly, there was a knock on the door. You opened the door revealing a very handsome gentleman in a tuxedo. He always looked good in anything. You put on a fake smile. "Hey Zayn." He looked you up and down. "You look amazing, [Y/N]!" He commented. "Thanks... just don't look at my face." You replied groggily, pulling him in for an effortless hug. A look of concern appeared on his face. "What's wrong, babe?" He asked. You sighed heavily. "This, Zayn! It's huge!" You said quite loudly pointing to the bump on your chin. He chuckled. "It's not funny, Zayn." You said seriously. "Babe." He pecked your forehead. "Why would I be concentrating on a small zit when I have all this beauty distracting me?" He referred to you. You grinned widely and pecked him lightly on the lips. He always knew the right things to say.

Louis:"Babe! Are you almost done?!" Louis screamed from the bottom of the staircase. "Almost!" You yelled back. You guys were a tad bit late for prom cause you were still getting ready. It's not your fault it takes so long to look good! Of course, you felt bad because Louis flew all the way down here for your prom, but you just wanted to look your best for him. You finally hooked in your last earring and stepped back from the mirror to admire yourself. You were satisfied with what you came up with, finally. "I'm coming down now!" You warned Louis. You heard feet ruffle from the bottom of the staircase. You walked down slowly and carefully because of your high heels. Louis was previously fiddling with his watch. When he heard you coming down, he looked up to look at you. His mouth slowly fell open as he watched your every move. "Wow." He mouthed. "You look... absolutely stunning." You couldn't help but smile. "Thanks, babe." He was still staring at you. You had to snap your fingers in front of his face to catch his attention. "Oh!" He jumped. "Right. Ready to go?" You nodded. He led you out the door and to his car. He was being a total gentleman the whole night by opening doors and pulling out your chair. This night kept getting better and better by the minute. As the both of you were slow dancing, he randomly whispered, "I'm so lucky to have such a beautiful girl as you. I can't seem to keep my eyes off of you." He smirked as his hand moved down to your bum. You rolled your eyes playfully. You loved his cheeky moments.

Liam:Liam always made you feel like you were on top of the world. You always felt like a queen and tonight was no different. Starting from when he picked you up from your house, he greeted you with a kiss on the hand, which you rarely see around. You were lucky to have a boy like Liam. He drove straight from the airport when he picked you up and there was no trace of his tiredness, you loved him for that. When you arrived at the venue, he didn't hesitate to make sure all the girls around you were jealous. He held your hand the entire time, guiding you from place to place. He always placed gentle kisses on random spots on your body. Your cheek, arm, shoulder. You name it. You guys walked over to the photobooth when no one was occupying it. The first picture was a goofy one. He was making a monkey face and you were sticking your tongue out. The second picture was just of you two smiling. The third picture was of him kissing your cheek. And the last picture was of both of you kissing. After, he took you to the dance floor where he showed off his dance moves and also helped you dance to the music. This night was absolutely perfect. He knew how to make you one happy girl.

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