You two at the beach

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You two at the beach

Louis:  You and Louis were at the beach. He went off somewhere saying he would be back. Little did you know that we would be coming back with two surfboards. You looked down at you and smiled, hoping you would go along with the idea. “Come on, [Y/N]! It will be fun!” he urged. You sighed and got up. “Alright Lou, but if I get hurt…” you trailed off. “You won’t get hurt, not while I’m with you.” He pulled you into the water, and thankfully it was very private. “Okay so watch me,” he said. He expertly caught a wave and rode it all the way out. He swam back over to you. “Basically, you just have to ride the wave, stand up, keep your balance, and hope for the best!” He gave your hand a squeeze as you swam out. He watched you intently. You caught the wave but quickly wiped out under. He rushed over to you, helping you back onto the board. “It was your first try, babe! You can do it!” You smiled and tried again. You caught the wave, slowly got up, and rode it out. Not far, but it was a start. You looked over to see your proud boyfriend clapping his hands. “I knew you could do it, babe!” he yelled. You spent the rest of the day surfing with him.

Liam:  Liam had decided that he wanted to take a spontaeous trip to the beach, so you did so. When you arrived, you set out some blankets and relaxed until Liam nuged you. “Wanna play some volleyball?” Your eyes brightened as you came to your feet. “Sure!” you said happily, probably not the reaction he was expecting. The two of you joined a small pick up game with another couple who could harldy believe they were playing beach volleyball with Liam Payne and his girlfriend. “I GOT IT!” you yell, spiking the ball into the ground. The guy from the other couple dives but fails to keep it up. You and Liam high five and then high five the other players on a close and intense game. “Do you guys wanna grab some lunch?” Liam askes the other couple. “Uh, sure!” the guys answers for the both of them. The four of you head to the pier to eat at a small retaurant, happy with your new friends.

Harry:  You and Harry were at the beach, enjoying the sun and relaxing. You were tanning and Harry was lying next to you, both of you content. Suddenly, Harry got up and left. You watched him walk off, confused to where your boyfriend was going. You shrugged and settled back down. 10 minutes later, you feel someone sit next to you, but it wasn’t Harry. You turned your head to see some random guy, who was quite attractive, but you obviously weren’t interested since you had Harry. “Can I help you?” you ask him. He nodds and says, “Actually, you can. I was wondering if you could lend me your number?” You rolled your eyes, since that was the worst pick up line in the book. “Uh…no. In fact, I have a boyfriend. And he’s right there holding ice cream AWW,” you say. The guy looks up at Harry who is already glaring at him. “Can you leave my girlfriend alone please?” he says harshly. The guy gets up and leaves as Harry settles back in his place. “That’s what I get for having such a beautiful girlfriend,” Harry says. You giggle and say, “I guess, but I have such a handsome boyfriend that I can’t even consider anyone else.” He smiles before feeding you some ice cream.

Zayn:  You dragged Zayn to the beach, wanting to soak up the sun and the sand. “Zayn, boo. Wanna go in the water?” you ask politely. He looks at you and suddenly sweeps you up, carrying you bridal style to the water. He spins you around, and you giggle at how cheesy and romantic he was being. He sets you down and you take it all in. The water is a bit cold but it feels so good. Zayn grabs your hand and you both stand there for a bit until you walk deeper. Zayn hesitates but soon follows you mostly because you were still holding hands. “I love the beach,” you mumble. Zayn smiles and says, “I love you, [Y/N].” You turn to face him before running your hands through his perfect quiff and saying, “Aww, Zayn. I love you too.” “I’m actually glad I came today,” he sighes. You lean in for a kiss which he quickly accepts. Unfortunately, the papz caught it and the picture was circulating within a few hours. But you didn’t mind, it was a good picture and you ended up setting it as your twitcon.

Niall:  You and Niall decided to head to the beach one day. You packed lots of snacks, towels, and sweaters since you knew you’d be there all day and night. You picked a small unreserved spot away from everyone. You and Niall just cuddled until sundown, feeding each other snacks and talking about life. Niall was feeding you baby marshmallows when he kissed your nose out of no where. “What was that for?” you ask, popping a marshmallow into his mouth. “I don’t know. I just love you, that’s all,” he says happily. You lean against him as he wraps his arms tight around you. “I love you too, Nialler,” you say. It was getting dark but you still sat at the beach, now closer to the shore. The waves hitting was so calming and so perfect, and soon enough you were fast asleep. Niall ran his fingers through your hair before sweeping you up and packing everything away and taking it all back to the car. He set you down in the front seet where you woke up. Your eyes fluttered open as Niall took his spot in the drivers seat. You grabbed his hand and said, “Thanks for today, babe. It was nice.” “Anything for my princess,” he said, driving away.

This is the last preference for this book. But.... There is gonna be a One Direction Preferences 3!!!!!!!!! :)

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