You're a Victoria's Secret model and he flirts with you at a show

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You're a Victoria's Secret model and he flirts with you at a show

Harry: You'd been a model since you were a baby (you modelled nappies for Huggies) and last year, Victoria's Secret had personally scouted you to become an Angel for their annual runway show in New York. This year, you'd heard that One Direction were performing and just shrugged it off - they didn't really mean very much to you. You finally get the list of performers on the morning of the show and see that you'll be walking runway to One Direction's latest single, Kiss You. You in line just as the chorus is starting and then walk with your head high but accidentally catch the eye of the curly haired boy on the stage. It's unprofessional, but he gives you a smile and you smile back. He finishes his line, staring right at you. "and let me kiss you." He sings, before giving you the 'call me' sign.

Louis: You started out as a Hollister model and finally made you way up into underwear modelling. After only one Wonderbra campaign, you were scouted by Victoria's Secret to model for them. Although you were a little shorter than the usual runway requirements, they asked you to walk runway for them at their 2012 show as you'd been such a success. After going into make up, you grabbed your pink robe and then make your way out of the dressing rooms. You know you shouldn't, but you nip across the road for a cup of tea. At first you get a few strange looks in your dressing gown but then people realise who you are and then just shrug it off. You grab your cup of green tea and then scan the room for an empty table only to find that there aren't any. You walk over to the first table that you see with an empty seat and politely ask if you can sit there. "Sure." says the boy sitting there with a smile. "It's not everyday that a girl in their underwear just sits across from me." You blush slightly. "I couldn't resist." You wink at him. "I take it your walking today?" He asks. You nod. "Which song?" He asks. "Um... Rihanna, I think." "Shame. I'm performing, too." He says. "Maybe I'll sneak on the One Direction walk, then." You say with a wink. "I'd love that." The boy replies. He smiles when he realises you've recognised him. "I'm Louis, by the way." He says. "Y/N." "Very nice to meet you, Y/N... and the twins." Louis says with a wink.

Zayn: You'd been walking runway since you were fourteen and were now one of the biggest models in the world. People knew your face because they'd seen it regularly in magazines, TV shows and on billboards. This year, you were modelling for Victoria's Secret's 2012 runway show and you were a part of a special show with a celebrity male alongside you. The only issue was that you had no idea who your partner would be until the day. The morning of the show, you go in to the dressing room of your mystery partner after having your hair and make-up done. You knock gently on the door and then peer inside to reveal the boy in his underwear in front of you, getting make-up put on his abs to give them more definition. "Oh, hey." He says as he looks at you. You recognise him instantly - he's Zayn, from One Direction. "I take it your my partner?" You ask with a smile. "Yep. I'm Zayn." He says and extends a hand to shake. You walk over and shake it how you would normally - with a slight hug and a kiss on each cheek. "I'm Y/N." You reply. "Oh, trust me. I know that. You've been my wanking material since I was 12... Oh God, sorry, that was awful, I mean..." He rambles, his face turning slightly pink. "It's fine. I've heard worse." You reply to get rid of the tension. "You are beautiful though, Y/N." He says. "You probably get that a lot, though." "Not really." You admit. "Well, I'd take you out any day." He says with a wink. "Oh really?" "Yeah... how about monday night, 7PM? I'll pick you up." He says cheekily. "I'll think about it..." You say with a promising smile before turning back and leaving the room. "Wow." You hear him mumble.

Liam: You'd only been a model for three months when Victoria's Secret requested that you walk in their show. It was never your intention to become a model, really - you'd originally hoped to be a doctor but during your last year of university you were spotted on the street in New York by an agency whilst on holiday. They'd signed you up there and then. You were making you way over to the snack table when suddenly you bumped into a stranger. You suddenly feel a cold sensation on your chest and then realise that they've spilled their ice cold cola on you. "Oh god, I'm so sorry oh my god." He says as he grabs a handful of napkins and then starts to pat down your chest before realising what he's doing and then stops. "You touch everyone's boobs on first meeting, bud?" You ask. He opens his mouth slightly before blushing, unable to justify his reasoning. "I'm so sorry..." He mumbles. You laugh slightly. "It's fine. Don't worry. At least I'm not wearing clothes!" You say to lighten the mood. He laughs slightly, more awkwardly than because it's funny. "True." He mumbles. "Honestly, it's fine." You say with a sympathetic smile. "Good." He says. "Is there any way I can make it up to you?" He asks. "I don't know, what are you suggesting?" You say. "Maybe I could take you for a coffee, some time?" He asks. You nod with a smile. "That would be amazing. I'm Y/N, by the way." You smile. "'I'm Liam."

Niall: It was your fifth year of catalog modelling when finally you were asked to perform in your first runway show. You were nineteen years old and one of the most promising up and coming models and your mentor had been great - except she was very pushy. In the end, you leave hair and make-up and go to the snack table just to avoid her. You're grabbing an apple when suddenly you see her... and grab on to a random boy and use his body to hide from her. "Hide me, please?!" You plead with the boy. "Um, sure." He says, an Irish accent showing through. "What are you hiding from?" "My queen bitch of a mentor. She wouldn't let me eat this morning and I'm so freaking hungry. I haven't had a KFC or Nando's in months." You admit after she walked past. "No nandos?!" the boy asks, shocked. "None at all." You say with a sigh. "You poor, poor girl." He says. "I know, right?!" You say with a slight laugh. He laughs, too. "Maybe I could take you for one after the show? You can wear that outfit if you really want..." He says, pointing at the underwear you're modelling under your signature pink bathrobe. "That is an offer I can't refuse." You say. "I'm Niall. I'll pick you up after the show?" He asks. "Y/N. and sure, Niall." You say and then walk away.

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