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Friday 8th February 2019:

Kim, Sam, Luke and I all walked up the stairs of Joe's building, after I'd received the text from Caspar saying it was all clear and he wouldn't be back for five hours (the time he said would be required for the prank). I'd expected this to be awkward: me and my ex, Kim and hers, but they all seemed genuinely happy for me and willing to help.

'There's got to be at least three-hundred balloons here!' Sam laughed, hauling a huge cardboard box with him. It's just our luck the lift was out, luckily he was only on the second floor, but with loads of heavy 'props' it felt at least three times that. 'It's going to take us forever.' Okay, when I said they were being supportive, Luke and Sam had sort of been roped into this by Kim and had very little knowledge of what they were actually here today. They hadn't really stopped complaining since we got in the taxi.

'Yes, but there's four of us,' I sighed, dumping my bags on the ground and lifting up the doormat, praying to all the God's that Joe hadn't changed where he put the spare key- he hadn't. I pulled it out and unlocked the door, making sure to put it back afterwards.
All of us piled into Joe's house, if people had seen us now, it would've looked hella suspicious.

'Why are we doing this again?' Sam was stretching his arms out from carrying the 'heavy' box of balloons. His voice was croaky and he seemed tired, strained.

'Look, if there's one thing I've learnt about Amber Kingsley, it's not to ask questions!' It didn't take long before we were all sat in various places, pumping up numerous balloons.
We sat like this for an hour and a half, pumping away. Every so often, Luke would let one go and we'd all have a heart attack but we'd laugh it off eventually. No one really spoke, the awkward atmosphere would arise, and one of us would cough or sneeze and then it would go back to the sound of the balloons being filled with air.

'It doesn't look like we have many left.' We'd continued probably for another hour- although it felt like an entire lifetime- and everyone was beginning to ache.

'Look, I've helped as much as I can, but I gotta run,' nodding, I thanked Luke for his service as he left. Sam went not long afterwards, because he felt awkward being the only guy and frankly, I didn't blame him.

Kim and I continued until the last load of balloons were pumped up and we were surrounded by an entire sea of them. Really, it seemed like noting could possibly go wrong.

'Amber, your phones ringing.' I dashed over to the counter and grabbed my phone, Caspar.


'Look, I tried to keep him away but he says he need to get his laptop, I'm in central London and won't be able to get to you, I'm not sure where he is but-'

'Okay, thanks casp,' clearly seeing time was slim, I hung up on Caspar, trying to remain calm but absolutely panicking inside.

'We need to hurry!' I exclaimed, Kim began rushing about and I followed her.

'What the-' I didn't want to look as I heard the door open, and Joe's voice follow. 'What's this?' The place was a tip. Not only were the intentional balloons around, but all of our rubbish from the snacks, empty packets from the balloons and even some food itself were scattered around his apartment. 'How did you get in?'

'I'm going to go,' Kim - thankfully - decided to leave, barging her way past Joe who watched her carefully out of the doorway.


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