
349 15 0

Wednesday 6th February 2019:

9:45 - Caspar:
It took long enough but he agreed, I convinced him that this prank is gonna be SOOO good for the views...

9:46 - Amber:
I owe you sm Caspar!

9:49 - Caspar:
This is good for you guys

9:50 - Amber:
I hope so! Let's just hope it all goes right

9:54 - Caspar:
It will, when has Amber Kingsley ever messed up?

9:58 - Amber:

10:03 - Caspar:
Okay, maybe we shouldn't bring that up, but look how it's worked out? It's not bad, you guys haven't fucked up

10:04 - Amber:
Yeah I know, I just hope this is it, you know? No more mess, it's now or not

10:05 - Caspar:
It'll be now, I know it

10:08 - Amber:
Thanks Caspar!

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