
953 38 5

Thursday November 23rd 2018:

7:35 - Amber:
FUUUUUUCCCCXCKKKKKK the film is so gooooodddd

And the lighting is very attractive ;))

7:37 - Joe:
Nah, think you'll find that's just me that is attractive :) but ta x

7:38 - Amber:
So who won Julia over in the end?

7:40 - Joe:
She's got a boyfriend now and not gonna lie, the long distance thing doesn't appeal to me in the slightest

Obviously when it was you it was different and we didn't live that far away

7:42 - Amber:
Well, I hope it's Caspar

And why are you up this early, aren't you hung over?

7:45 - Joe:
Massively yes

But you messaged me so what was I meant to do

7:48 - Amber:
Make me wait XD

7:50 - Joe:
Lol no I'm not that guy

anyway I'm glad you liked it :)

7:53 - Amber:
Me too

Can you say whether they'll be a Hit The Road 2 in order?

7:54 - Joe:
I can say I hope so but not before Username:Evie 2 comes out believe me

Caspar's gonna write a book too oh lord it's all happening¡!¡

8:02 - Amber:
OoO how is he gonna do that?

8:04 - Joe:
Well...his mums gonna write it for him...

8:05 - Amber:
Lol ok hats easier to comprehend XD

8:09 - Joe:
So anyway, I should go cause I have a shit tonne of interviews! I'm not actually that hungover, one paracetamol should do the trick! xx ttyl

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