Chapter 12- I just don't understand boys

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Hi everyone. A new chapter! Sorry that it took so long. I hope that you enjoy it :).

Once I'm inside the safety of my house I scream at the top of my lungs and I start to kick out at things in my room. Erik had absolutely no business with us tonight.

If he wants me so much then why is he with Sienna? I just don't understand boys.

I sigh as I look at my home work. I know that I've got to start some time. I've been procrastinating.

It's weird because before the whole popularity thing happened I had no problem doing my home work. Seriously, it wasn't a chore. Now it seems like the most difficult thing on the planet.

This is the first time that I seriously reflect on my life since I became friends with Ali. I need to balance both sides of my life. Mum and Dad were already getting frustrated with me.

 I start on my homework and study and I'm finished in no time. I think I forgot how easy this was to me. 

When I'm finished I go over to my phone and I unlock it to see if I have any messages. A message pops up and I see that it's from Erik. I'm seriously contemplating deleting the message without reading it but my curious side wins over.

"Polly, I know that you don't want to talk to me but look outside your window."

I walk slowly over to the window, afraid of what I'm going to find. Who knows what he would put on the balcony outside my window.

I get such a big fright when I see Erik standing on my balcony on his knees with his two hands clasped together, begging me for forgiveness.

If he thinks that I'm going to fall that easily then we have a problem. He completely humiliated me tonight and I have to show him who's boss. I grab his arm and I drag him upwards.

"Polly, what are you doing! You're hurting me!"

Damn he squeals like a girl! Now I know how to handle him. This is going to be easy. 

"Keep it down Erik. My parents are asleep next door. What are you doing here? I thought that I made it clear that I didn't want you."

"You didn't make it clear Polly. You just made it more blurry to me. I don't understand you. One minute you look like you're completely in love with me and then the next minute you look like you want to kill me. I'm really confused about you."

 "Did you really just say that Erik? That you're confused about me? You're the most mysterious and confusing person that I've ever come across!"

He looks at me for a minute. I can tell that there's a big dilemma in his eyes. He walks up to me slowly and starts to talk really slowly.

"Polly you have to listen to me. I don't like Sienna, I like you but I have to stay with Sienna."

I'm silenced. He hasn't even been with Sienna for that long and he's already fed up of her. How can he do that!

 This pushes me over the edge. I was already angry at him but he's just after making it worse with his horrible comments. I do what I think is sensible in the moment.

"Erik, I think that you should leave. I don't think that I can take your presence for another minute because I'll burst into tears."

"Polly, please don't say that, just let me stay please. Don't make me leave because I'm not leaving until we know that we are ok. "

"Okay? Okay, Erik? No, I'm not frigging okay! Do you expect me to just forgive you and then we can just go back to being friends with me completely in the dark. You confuse me so much that you give me a head ache."

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