Chapter 7: Embracing your own craziness

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Hey everyone sorry for the long break but I got a bit of writers block and I didn't know what to write next. I hope you all enjoy this chapter :)

I woke up this morning with a grin on my face. Happiness was actually radiating through my body. I still didn't believe that the events of the last few days occured. It all seemed surreal.

I get up suddenly and once again I bang my head against the curve of the wall. God that hurt!  I really need to make a note of that! Maybe I should write a memo on the wall. It could say; 'Please do not hit me with your head'. Now there's a thought!

I'm moping around for a few minutes when I recieve a text that lightens up my mood straight away.

It's from Erik saying; Hey :) I'll pck u up at 8 Xx. 

When I read this I hup my phone to myself and start doing a little happy dance to myself. I know, I'm just too cool! I get a grip on myself when I realise that I have only half an hour to get ready. 

Half an hour later I hear a beep in from outside and I know that it's Erik coming to pick me up. I suddenly become a nervous wreck. God! I need to get a grip on myself. I rush down the stairs, say quick goodbyes to Mum and Dad and then I make my way out to Erik. 

When I get into the Jeep Erik gives me one of his lazy smiles that I love so much. Oh my god, he's the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen.

"Good morning"; he says.

I'm too busy staring at this magnificent creature in front of me to take in the fact he's talking to me. His soft chuckle brings me back to reality.

"When you're done ogling me, I'll make my way". I suddenly become really embarrased when I realise what I've done. How stupid am I. Erik notices my embarassment and starts laughing at it. Boys! I will never understand the.

The car journey is a little awkward after this as I don't know what to say to him. He doesn't seem to find it awkward though as he just sings along to the songs on the radio. Oh my god, he's actually such a bad singer! I'm glad to see that he's actually bad at something. 

His horrible singing makes me laugh out suddenly and he whips his head around my direction when this sound comes out of my mouth. He smiles at me mischievieously and says; "Oh, you think my singing is funny? I'll get you back for that one Owens"! This just makes me laugh even louder and he just shakes his head at me while giving me his trademark smile.

We reach the school after about ten minutes and I can tell that everyone is staring at us. I mean wouldn't you? Goody two shoes Polly Owens arriving in the same jeep at the school hottie Erik Stevens. I know that people won't understand it but I honestly don't care! They can whisper all the like.

I look over at Erik suddenly to see that he's giving me a small, concerned smile. He asks me; " Are you ok"? I just nod my head. He continues on; "The key here is not to give a f*ck. If you act like you don't care then people are going to think that you don't care. Then people will stop noticing any crazy things you do and accept it as normal behaviour".

He then takes two pairs of sunglasses and hands one of them over to me. I just look at him like he's escaped from a mental asylum. It's basically 8 in the morning.

"You have to embrace your mental side Polly", Erik tells me. He's looking at me with a challenging look in his eyes, thinking I won't wear them. Well I'll show him! 

"Fine! I snap at him. I grab the sun glasses off of him and I get out of the car with him following me.

I know that people are staring at us as we walk into the school. Erik makes a big show out of it and puts his arm around my shoulders while pinning me to his left side so there's no escape. He's acting like this is nothing while I'm mentally hyperventalating beside him.

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