My year with Erik Stevens

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This is my first time writing and I hope you all like it. :-) Please dont be too critical!

"Appearances are a glimpse of the unseen".


Polly's POV:

I could feel his presence in the room as soon as I entered it. It was strange because I had only met him once and I already felt as if I had known him my whole life.

As soon as I turned around I was face to face with him staring into his perfect eyes. I started trembling with anticipation, wondering what was going to happen next. We just stood there staring at each other.

I don't know how long this went on for. I could have only been a moment, an hour or a lifetime. I didn't care. All that mattered to me at that moment was him.

The whole world seemed to disappear right before my eyes. Suddenly he grabbed my waist, pressing my body against his. My heart started beating frantically and I suddenly became very excited.

At that moment he could have told me to do anything and I would have done it. He was the most perfect human being on the planet at that moment.

He pulled my face face towards his and we shared the mos exquisite kiss. It was gentle at first but he started to become more passionate, slipping his tongue in and out of my mouth. I groaned and started pressing my body against his responding to him. Things then became a bit blurry as we spent the most passionate night of my life together.


Do you ever get the feeling that your setting yourself up to fail in a situation? That it's predestined you won't succeed. For example; When you really like a guy and ask him out only to be rejected. Well, that's me the whole time.

I'm not a very lucky person. Actually scratch that, I'm an extremely unlucky person. Well that's what my nearest and dearest say. 

I personally don't believe in such silly things as luck. I myself think its just a couple of unfortunate characteristics bonded together.

I've been told that I'm like that guy out of that film 'Just my luck', where catastrophic events just come to him. I watched the film myself after I heard this comment and personally I think I make him look like the luckiest thing alive!

I suppose people are right. Catastrophic events do always seem to come to me. I'm the type that trips over my own shoe laces when a see a hot guy or someone popular from my school.

I've spent most of my life trying to figure out why my luck was so bad. It's angered me, saddened me, frustrated me and made me feel hopeless and desperate at times.

Believe me it's that bad. But mostly it's just baffled me for a long time, I mean I seem to just be a magnet for accidents.

It's not as if I go out looking for them, they just seem to find me. It must be just wired into my DNA and that means that there is absolutely nothing that I can do with it.

I always wanted to be one of those really cool kick-ass people in the movies that could do those really cool stunts and karate moves.

I once tries to do a karate chop in the air and actually managed to hit a wall and break my hand. It really was as painful as it sounds!

I figured out after that little incident that. might be something to do with my coordination. Im the type of person that trips over her own shoelaces. The type that sticks her arm out and hits a wall, apparently.

My confidence and my hand have never been the same since the little accident!

Although sometimes it is a really good ice-breaker but most of the time people just roll their eyes and look at me like I need to get a life.

I take the whole damsel in distress thing to a whole, ridiculous, embarrassing and new level! One time a was walking while drinking a coke and this amazing hot guy walks by me.

I was so engrossed by him that I didn't realize that I had to walk up a set of steps. I tripped over the steps and upended the coke all over me!

Lets just say that was the end of that guy thinking I was normal! It was also safe to say that I would never see him again!

I seem to never be able to catch a break. I never get my first preference in life. I never get the guy I want, I never get invited to the parties that I want to get invited to and most importantly I seem to have no real friends.

It does sadden me sometimes but I think I just thought myself to accept it at some point in my life.

Hi, my name is Polly Owens and as you can see I am an absolute disaster in all aspects of my life.

I thought that I would forever be disastrous for the rest of my life and I was ok with that. I had accepted that I was just wired that way and I couldn't change it.

Even though it did sadden me sometimes most of the time I was cool with it. I just learned to laugh at myself and my misfortunes.

I've never been exceptional with guys. Actually you can forget that statement I'm really bad with guys. 

Everybody that I know is really patronizing towards me. They say that I've got a pretty face but I don't have the personality to match it.

Most dates that I have with guys are disastrous. We never usually go by the first date. 

There was this one time that I went on this date with I guy called Matt and I managed to spill dessert all over him while I was trying to be seductive. Let's just say that he never called.

The only proper boyfriend that I have had was a guy called Sean in Sophomore year. We went out for a month until I found him making out with the school slut Clarissa in a closet!

My friend Emily says that girls in general don't like me because I'm really pretty and I attract a lot of guys attention. If I am pretty then why am I not popular. Aren't pretty girls usually popular?

This all changed when I met Erik Stevens. He was the most perfect guy that I had ever met. He was beautiful inside and out. He was charming, intelligent, kind and he also knew how to wind me up!

I know that he put me through unimaginable danger but he only did it because he love me. He couldn't live without me and he payed the price for it.

Erik Stevens meant more to me than anyone else on the planet. I would have taken a bullet for him. He turned my world completely upside down. I loved him so much that it hurt.

You might wonder why I am mentioning all of this but I am hear to tell you a story. I am here to tell you about the upheaval of my world. I am here to tell you about my year of luck!

Please keep reading! It does get better.

What do you think of it so far? What do you think will happen next.. I would also really appreciate it if someone would be able to make me a book cover as I don't like mine. You might be wondering where half my story went but my book literally split itself in half when I tried to change the title. Please show your support and:  




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