Chapter 9: Why am I completely surrounded by douches?

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Hi everyone. This is a nice, extra long chapter. I hope you all enjoy!

Polly's POV:

I slam the the door as soon as I walk into the house. I am so angry! I can't believe that he left me stranded in the school all by myself! 

It was so embarrassing standing in the car park waiting for him. People stared at me like a weirdo as the walked passed me, wondering why I was standing there like an idiot.

Eventually a fancy car drove up to me and stopped right in front of me. Adam popped his head out the window and asks me did I need a lift.

I really didn't want to be in the same car as him but I was desperate so I stupidly agreed. Sometimes I think I just speak without thinking and this was definitely one of those instances!

I felt so awkward for the whole car journey. Adam acted like an absolute asshole for the whole journey. There was a time that I thought that this car journey would never end. I literally thought that I was stuck in hell. Well, I was really.

The guy just wouldn't shut up. He is actually one of the biggest douches I have ever met. He literally talked about himself all the time. He rambled on about all of the great things that he's done, everything that he's good at and basically just what a great guy he is.

At one point I was pretty sure that he forgot that I was in the car with him. It certainly seemed that way because it was almost as if he was talking to himself. I really just wanted to shut him up.

The only time that he didn't talk about himself was when he kept asking me out on dates repeatedly. He asked my like fifty times and each time I had to come up with an excuse.

You think that he would get the message. I handed out my number to him in a moment of madness. I was so jealous of Erik and Clarissa being together and I just acted out of sheer anger.

There should be a law that says nobody should stand accountable for the decisions they make when they're angry!

I was so happy when that journey was over. I jumped out of the car and said the quickest goodbye in history.

Now I'm stuck in my room and my temper is gone. I calm myself down and then I start on my homework. One advantage of being a social outcast is that my homework is always done. It's not as if I have anything better to do! 

I try to stay focused on my homework. It's nearly impossible to not let my mind wander occasionally to the topic that I'm trying to avoid like the plague.

My thoughts occasionally stray to Erik and I try to stop them. I wonder what I did today to make him change his mind. I have been going over the events of today in my head over and over again and I still can't come up with a conclusion.

I couldn't have done anything too bad. It certainly doesn't match what he did to me today. Firstly he walks into school today with me as a couple, kisses that slut in front of everyone and then leaves me stranded in the school.

Maybe he's just lost his interest in me. Well, he's going to have to do some grovelling to get back into my good books. I won't come running to him.

He shouldn't have lead me on like that. It was cruel. He made me believe that I had a chance with him and then he embarrases me like that.

Today has just been a confusing  day overall. I don't suddenly get one guy but two guys and two popular guys at that!

Adam kind of confuses me. I don't understand why he would like a girl like me. He seems like the type that would usually go for the blonde preppy cheerleader. He usually does. He has never gone for a girl like me. Maybe he's just fed up of his usual type.

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