Chapter 3: Sure karate's a breeze for the uncoordinated

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As soon as I get home from school that day I run upstairs to my room to have a little pity party and just cry my eyes out.

My mum knows I'm in a bad mood by the way I slam my door so I know that she won't bother me.

I sit on my bed and I wonder as to how I got myself into this situation. How did I become a social out cast from everybody I need to get myself back on the ball but I don't know exactly how to do it.

After a while I realise that I need to pull myself out of the pity party and start to network more as Jess advised me. Im brainstorming ideas for a while and I finally come up with the solution.

Emily! She would be able to help me. I don't know if she wil but its worth a try! I grab my phone and I send her a text.

Hey :) r u free 2 tlk 2nite. 

I put my  phone back in the charger thinking that it will be a while until she replies but I get a reply almost instantly. 

Hey :) sure Im free 2 tlk :) Ill ring u at 9 :p Xx.  

I smile a little and I go about my usual activities. I'm actually quite shocked as Emily hardly ever replies to my messages. 

This puts me in a slightly better mood and I know that Emily will have a solution to my plight. I let out a sigh of relief and try to forget my worries for a little while.

Instead of doing my homework I decide to spend the whole night on youtube looking up different types of hairstyles and make-up looks.

It's not as if I'm going to fall behind in homework anyway, I have it all bloody completed!

My beauty bag has been taken out from the darkest, dustiest part of my wardrobe and I am going to start to wear make-up every day and style my hair.

I have chosen the most fashionable clothes in my wardrobe in favour of my usual tracksuits and I have painted my nails.

I'm going to be prepared for tomorrow. That school is not going to know what hit them. Polly Owens is going to come into school with a bang!

At around nine o clock Emily rings. I answer the phone immeadiately.

'Hey, how are you'? I ask.

She replies saying that she's fine and we talk about general things. After a while I muster up the courage to ask her to help me network more.

She goes quiet for a minute and I know that she is thinking about the least embarrasing place to be seen with the social out cast.

Finally she says that it is good to join a sports club and she will bring me along to Kate Andrew's seventeenth at the weekend.

She also says that I can come to to her karate club with her tomorrow night. I readily agree before I know what I'm getting myself into.

Once I get off the phone I realise what I have signed up for. Karate? Really! What was I thinking! I think that I went temporarily derrangerd and thought to myself; 'sure karate's a breeze for the uncoordinated!'

I honestly can't believe that I agreed to it. Maybe Emily hypnotised me while I was on the phone with her to agree? Now there's a thought! I shove this thought out of my head as I get ready for bed. 


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