Chapter 6: Erik's secret

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Hey everyone :) I'm going to give you a chance to see what Erik thinks about events in this story. You'll get more of an insight into Erik's mind. Soo......What is his big secret? Who do you think should play Erik. I don't Know myself :/. Please comment your ideas about actors that should play Erik and I'll choose the best one :).

Erik's POV:

I'm driving back back from Polly's house after the date and I can't seem to wipe the grin that has stuck itself onto my face. I know that what I'm doing is dangerous but I just can't help myself. I know that Polly is the girl for me even though it has only been a few days.

I've always loved a bit of Danger. Mother said that it will be the un doing of me. I personally don't care what she says.

I generally do whatever I want when I want and she's never bothered to stick her little comments in then.

I know that this relationship cannot last forever but I want to keep it going for as long as possible. I am crazy about this girl. She has been all I've been thinking about for the past few days. I know that it will probably only lead to more heart break when we break up but I just can't help myself. 

I look around at my jeep and I shake my head to myself. People looking from the outside think that I have the perfect life. Wealth, beauty,brains but they don't know the half of it. It is these attributes that have me in the situation that I'm in and I don't know how I'm going to get out of it but I know that I have to.

I have to do it for Polly. People ask me why do I teach karate. They look at me and say 'He doesn't need the money from it, the job could have been given to someone that desperately need it'. But, honestly I do the job for peace of mind,for my own sanity. So, I can escape my farce of a life for a while longer.

After about twenty minutes I pull out of my jeep and make my way into my "home". It is anything but a home. It's a house alright, but not a home.

My Dad is the CEO of one of the biggest I.T companies in America so basically our house is massive. He and my Mom are only home for a couple of weeks before they have to go off on an important business trip for a couple of months.

I go into our home gym first to get rid of some of the frustration that is building up inside of me. For about an hour I lose myself in the work out. I focus on nothing else.

God it's tough but it feels great. I needed that.  In my world this is the only way to get yourself into a good mood because we are not allowed any junk food in the house.

It annoys me so much! My parents really need to get a life. Oh wait! They do have a life! They spend most of their time cruising around the world while leaving their children behind to fend for themselves and when they say jump they expech us to respond with how high.

The beeping of my phone throws me away from my thoughts. Its from my Mum telling me that dinner is about to be served. This is another thing that annoys me about my family. We just text eachother instead of finding eachother to talk to. My family is actually so disfunctional!

When I arrive in the dining room I am surprised to see Dad sitting at the top of the table. This is not good because it means only one thing. It means that he either wants to talk to Ruby or me in private after dinner. Oh no! I hope its Ruby he wants to talk to.

Sitting on the other side of me is my twin Ruby. We look exactly alike except she had black hair as opposed to my light brown. If I had to described Ruby in two words; Slut and b*tch. You might think that I'm being a little harsh but really if you meet Ruby you would understand. We scowl at each other as we sit down.

Ruby is a part of the horrible, popular clique that is in our school. I absolutely despise those girls. They are shallow and horrible. I hate them even more after I have found out about the way that they treat Polly.

The dinner passes by agonisingly slow and I literally counting down the seconds until I can leave. I know that Ruby is too. We are both hoping that it is the other one called out by Dad.

We don't really talk as we eat. Mum and Dad try to make small talk. This is the way I always remember my family to be. It has always been our way of life.

Just as we are leaving the table Dad approaches me and says; 'Erik, I need to see you in my office now'. I inwardly groan at this and behind me I see Ruby throwing me a triumphant smirk.

I always thought that it would be Ruby first. I mean Ruby is a girl. Don't girls usually do this younger than boys? I can still imagine Ruby's little smirk in my mind. I really hated her. You wouldn't think that we were brother and sister. Our personalities completely clash.

As I enter Dad's office I cut to the chase and tell him that I know why I'm here.

He simply replies by saying;'You have until April next year'. He doesn't need to explain any further because he knows that I know what he's talking about.

Oh no! It's already May so that means I have less than a year. What am I going to to!

As I walk out of Dad's office a while later I make a promise to myself. I'm going to get out of this. I don't know how but I will. I should have prepared earlier for this because I've always known that it was coming. It has been sitting on my shoulder my whole life.

Soo.....What do you think Erik is hiding from Polly. Sorry for the short chapter.

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