Chapter 11- Have you learned the craft of lying?

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Hi! A new chapter for all of you. I hope you enjoy.

I wake up the next morning with a pounding head ache. God! Why did I drink so much last night. I check the time and I realize that I'm ten minutes behind. I need to get ready for school and quickly!

The door in the room suddenly bursts open and Ali walks in. She looks so fresh and awake. 

"Polly, you don't need to get ready for school. My Mum got us the day off."

"How did your Mum manage to get me the day off?"

"That's easy. She just pretended that she was your Mum. You didn't think that I picked up my decietfulness from nowhere, did you? The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

Ali looks at me weirdly when she says this. What does she mean by that? I just shrug it off and push it to the side. I don't want to start an argument.

"Ok, whatever. What do you plan to do today?"

"Well, actually, I'm not planning to do anything, you are. I heard about last nights little incident and about how Adam rescued you. He's taken today off and I told him that you would meet him in the park at eleven."

"Ali, are you serious! I can't go and meet a guy in the park. How cliched is that? I'm not able to go anyway because I might see my parents."

I'm lying and I'm doing a very bad job of it. My voice sounds wrong to even my ears. Ali picks up on it and she purses her lips.

Why can't I have at least one talent! You think that I have a hard enough time being clumsy but no, I had to be a bad liar as well. Why do I exist!

"Dude, don't pull that crap on me. You are going to meet up with him no matter what. You owe him that much after last night."

"Ok, fine. I'll start getting ready."

With a sigh I start to get ready. I wonder whether this 'date' will be as awkward and painful as I expect it to be?


An hour later I'm sitting on a park bench, waiting for Adam to come. After last night when I think about Adam I feel a mixture of respect and awkwardnees.

Awkward because he saw me in such a compromising position and respectful because he had the courage to come to my rescue. Not many guys would do that.

When I think about last night I feel sick and used at the same time. It keeps flashing through my mind in painful stabs. I owe so mmuch to Adam. Who knows what would have happened if Adam hadn't of rescued me.

Maybe I haven't been treating Adam fairly. He certainly treats me a lot better than Erik  does. He seems to be the one that comes to my rescue constantly.

 I look up and I see Adam running along with two tubs of ice-cream. Is he serious. It's the flipping middle of November!

He has a big smile on his face when he approaches me. I can't help but smile back. He's actually so sweet. Maybe if he stops talking about himself so much then maybe I could start to like him.

"Hi, I'm sorry that I'm late but I wanted to buy us some ice-creams. I thought that they would be a good ice- breaker!"

"Really, Adam? We haven't been talking for more than ten seconds and you're already telling me cheesy jokes."

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