I still can't believe she actually thought I would hit her. How could I ever hit her knowing what her Ex did to her. I seen how bad it hurt her afterwards, I can't imagine how she looked/felt when it actually was happening. 

I actually love her.

I can't even lie, I at first pushed the thought of anything ever happening between us to the back of my head because of Selena. I always thought of Demily as a bestfriend, she was always there for me even if she didn't understand. I never thought she liked me either until she slapped me in my face in the back of a Mcdonalds over something that happened 2 years before. It's been a year since that happened. 

Time flies. 

"Here Justin." Demily said, holding up a shirt for me to get. 

I grabbed his from her, then she went back to packing the clothes I wouldn't be wearing until the next leg of the tour. 

"You're okay right?" I asked her, 

"Yeah." She didn't look up at me. I knew she wasn't but I didn't want to bother her. But then again I wasn't going to let her be sad.

"I know you're not. So how about after the show we go somewhere." I offered, "Just you and me. Somewhere where no one else is."

She turned to me, "Yeah, I'll go." 

"Justin!" Scooter yelled, "On stage 5 minutes, hurry up!" 

"You promise? You can't skip out." I smiled at her,

"I promise now go before he haves a cow."

"Southern people and they're sayings." I shook my head at her, laughing. 

I held onto her hand, quickening her paste of slow walking. We were in Atlanta and both of us knew of places to go where no one was around. The show went great like always but I was super ready to leave so I could take Demily somewhere. 

"Where are you taking me?" She was yelping, as I held my hands over her eyes. 

"Don't worry about it." I mumbled in her ear, 

"Justin..you know I don't like surprises or being held captive!"

"I'm not holding you captive baby." I held onto her waist. 

I led her up a small hill where I had a blanket laid out to look out at the stars on but the clouds fucked that up. 

"I intended to look up at the stars or something," I said, moving my hands off of her eyes, "But the only thing you can see is the moon because of the clouds." 

"You have food, so It's fine." She smiled at me, "Even if its healthy." She took a strawberry out of the basket. 

"No see, I thought of you." I looked at the bottom and picked up some burger they got from her favorite restaurant. 

"Is this from Daves?" She basically ripped it out of my hands. "Wow, thanks for thinking of me."

I smiled. I watched as she ate, and she noticed. "Justin, quit."

"Even though you're eating like a pig, I'll be fine." I chuckled. 

"Did you not get anything or something?" She widened her eyes, shoving it in my face.

"I got something, it's fine." I pushed the half eaten burger from my face. I could smell the cheese and the juiciness of the burger. 

"No you don't!" She yelled, I'm glad no one was near. "Don't lie, I'll give you some. I'll even feed it to you." 

"I said I'm fine." I was. I didn't want it anyways.

After a show I was usually more tired then wanting to eat. 

"Okay," She wrapped the rest up, shoving it into the basket. "So, are we gonna look up at the stars or what?"

"Theres none out." I motioned toward the sky. 

"Let's pretend." 

I did as she said and pretended, "Wow those stars are really beautiful tonight." I said, trying to start conversation.

"Stop being a dork." She laughed, poking my cheek. 

I didn't know if she noticed but I blushed. 

I'm so corny and into relationships. I wish I wasn't one of those sensitive guys. I wish I was one of those who acted like they could careless for being there but actually did care. I was I had this fake facade of a hard boyfriend. I liked to treat my girls like they were everything and that seemed gay to most guys. I go out of my way for them. 

I turned my body to her, I was honestly so tired. "What are you thinking about?"

"How the hell I'm going to get from here to California."

"A plane? The bus." I said, 

"No like, how my dads going to act. He'll act like I'm trying to kill him in the middle of the airport."

"I'll get you there." My lips were close to her ear, "I promise. I won't let him act stupid. And if you do have to stay here, We can make it work."

"Didn't Selena get depressed from being away from you." Why did she bring her up at a moment like this? "I already have a diagnosis of depression, think about it. Mine will be ten times worse, Justin." 

"It's just a month or two we'll be apart." I said truthfully, "Plus this next leg is the last one, and Scooter won't be on it. He barley goes over seas." 

 I yawned, covering my mouth. 

"Are you tired?" Demily asked, "Or am I boring you?"

"It's just the show." I removed my hand, "You can never bore me. And stop talking about this negative stuff okay? tonight's just us, no worries." That's what I planned this for.

"I'm sorry." She looked at the dark sky, "We can go if you want." Demily sat up, "You're tired, we should go. I don't want you to fall asleep out here and you miss the bus." 

"Im sure we won't miss it, Were not leaving until tomorrow." 


"I thought you wanted to get back to California." Or maybe I do? 

"I have a few meetings tomorrow." He poked my side, "Interviews, or whatever."

"Then you need to go to sleep." I stood up, 

"You know, I actually wanted to spend time with you." Justin said, "Even if I'm tired, I just wanted to get away from everyone you know?" He ran his fingers over my back, "With everything happening. Like, this is ending, and am still not ready." 

"Ready?" I asked,

"I'm not better. Everything is still too much, but I don't want anyone to know. They'll probably push back the next leg." 

"You could have said so, you know I'm not stupid right? I'm not going to go tell them. I'll help you." I turned toward him,

"I don't need help." 

"You say that until it gets bad, trust me. I know." 

He didn't respond.

Instead we starred at each other. 

He doesn't understand that things get worse when you don't get help. But it is true, you cannot help someone who doesn't want it.

"I'm getting cold." I broke I contact. 

"Here." He sat up, pulling off his jacket. "I was getting hot." 

I wrapped it around me, falling back next to him. "I kind of understand." I whispered. 

Why the hell did I whisper it?

"Understand what." He whispered back. 

"I don't know, never mind." I laid my head in his neck,

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