Chapter Thirty

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          I found Hayden and Jade after we evacuated with the busses to the church across the road from the police station. I explained to Hayden that rogues had lured me into a classroom using Connor's voice and but a spell on the room to mask my scent and the rogues. I also explained that Connor found me when I screamed before I got into the classroom and that Connor was leaving town for a while. Leaving out the kiss and the mark was something I felt I had to do to protect Connor and myself.

          Knowing Hayden, he asked questions, "did he tell you anything else?"

          "Umm, no, just that he had to go back to the kingdom for a meeting called by the king of the southern realm," I said in a hushed voice.

          Hayden gave me a shocked look, "I wonder what that could be about for the king to actually call a meeting," Hayden said.

          "Hayden!" Someone called to our left and we both turned our heads.

          A petite redhead with bright green eyes walked up with blush evident on her face. "I was just wondering if you were okay, you looked pretty worried when the alarm was called," she said.

          "And you are?" Hayden asked, completely ignoring her question.

          The small girl blushed brighter, "I'm Klara," she said and Hayden raised an eyebrow at her. "We have the same AP Biology class," Klara rushed out.

          Hayden nodded before looking back at me, "okay, umm, bye Hayden, bye Alexis," Klara said before skipping away and I cringed.

          Hayden gave me a small chuckle before I glared at him. Hayden was laughing now. I rolled my eyes before pointing at him. "You're never going to make friends if you always act like that," I said and crossed my arms.

          "I have friends," Hayden said.

          "No, you have acquaintances that see you as a friend," I said and he shrugged.

          "I haven't tried to make friends before and I don't want to now. I just don't care for them," Hayden explained.

          "Why's that?" I asked and Hayden dropped his head which told me that the conversation was over because he wasn't going to answer me.

          I sighed and walked back over to Jade with Hayden following me. Ja1de gave me a big hug as I showed up and gave me a little squeal of excitement. I laughed at her and turned to the others in the group. There were two more cheerleaders and three football players in our group.

          "Lex! Are you okay? You disappeared after the principal came on the intercom," Jade questioned.

          "Much like everybody else," David, another football player, said and the two other cheerleaders and football players erupted in laughter.

          "Not funny, David, she's my best friend, I have a right to be concerned," Jade scolded and I smiled as I felt Hayden's hand brush up against mine.

          I looked at him and he gestured behind me just as the group came to a sudden halt in the conversation. I looked over my shoulder to see a very tall head of brown hair blocking the sun and amber, gold eyes staring down at me. I glanced back at Hayden to see him glaring at Connor. I then glanced at the others who were giving Connor curious looks.

          I looked back at Connor, "may I have a word?" he asked and gestured for me to follow him.

          "Sure" I said to his back as he was already turning and walking away.

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