Chapter Eighteen

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          I ran from Lex's house. I didn't stop running until I was in the woods and I slammed my fist into a tree, causing it to split and fall over. I sat down at the base of the tree opposite of it and rested my elbow on my knee. I looked around the woods to see rays of light shining down through the canopy of trees above me.

          I, Connor Pierce, Prince of the Northern kingdom, was falling for a human. I knew it was wrong. I knew it would never work in either of our worlds, but when I walked into her room and she smelled solely of Hayden Wolfe from his marking, I was infuriated. I wanted Alexis Reed to be mine.

          Overall, it was Lex's decision who she wanted to be with. Whether Lex knew it or not, Hayden had feelings for her and as did she for him. I was only wishing that her feelings for me would be stronger, but maybe it's for the best if they're not. If I can't be with her then she deserves to be with someone who can make her happy.

          I wasn't done trying yet, though. I am seconds away from risking everything for her. The only thing stopping me was that I wasn't sure of her feelings for me. I tilted my head back and rested against the tree behind me.

          I heard quick footsteps running towards me in the direction I'd come from. I heard the number of footsteps grow and I knew then that it was rogues. I stood up and awaited their arrival. When they arrived I was leaning against a tree, my anger still bubbling inside me from the fury of Hayden marking Lex.

          "Prince Connor, you don't seem to have your pet in tow with you this time," one of the human-blood-hungry monsters said.

          I opened my eyes then and I knew they were glowing the crimson red of the blood that I lusted. My fangs lengthened and I glared at the rogues who surrounded me. I wasn't scared of the numbers, no amount of rogues could bring me down, but I was even more angry than before.

          "She is not my pet," I spat.

          "My bad, lover, is it?" A rogue teased.

          I bared my fangs at them and a murderous growl escaped my throat. "What she is to me is none of your concern," I said.

          "But it is the concern of your parents," the same rogue said, testing me.

          I shot forward, grabbing the rogue by the color of his shirt and lifting him into the air. I underestimated the strength I was using and my fingers dug into his neck. I finished him off by throwing him to the side, sinking my fingers in the rest of the way as I threw him. I opened my eyes to see six rogues trapping me in a circle.

          I was able to move so fast that it seemed like slow motion to the other rogues and I gave them all fatal blows. When I returned back to the middle of the circle they had created with their own bodies, they all fell down in unison, dead. I walked past them, stepping over dead bodies as I headed back to the rest of my clan. I didn't spare another glance behind me as I left.

          When I arrived back at my house that was hidden in the woods the others were waiting near the door. "My lord, what has happened?" Parker asked.

          "There has been an accident involving Lex," I said calmly, controlling the anger that still coursed through my veins.

          "How bad is it?" Skye asked.

          "Hayden lost control and marked her," I said, unable to stop the hint of anger that creeped into my voice.

          Four faces looked at me in shock and I closed my eyes and walked to my room. I locked the door behind me and sat on the couch by the window. I stared out the window, thinking about what a sacrifice I would be making if Lex did choose me. I know what difficulty it would be now since Hayden had marked her, he wouldn't want me anywhere near her.

         He doesn't have much say in the matter when it comes to me though, but he would still do anything he could to keep me away. The only reason I'm not having trouble with him now is because he wants Lex protected no matter what. I knew even if he thought he could protect her himself and tried to keep me away he couldn't. I would still protect her with my life.

          Later that day I got a call from Hayden. I answered, wondering if something else had happened to Lex. "Lex is going to school tomorrow and there is a group of rogues that hang out near the school," Hayden said, his voice dark with hatred for me.

          "I will do anything in my power to keep them away from her," I said, ignoring his bitterness as the same hatred for him crept into my voice.

          "I need you to be responsible for her protection during her first two classes since I don't take them with her, but I have the last two classes covered," Hayden said. I didn't particularly like the way he seemed to act like he had an authority over Lex now and when it came to her that he had the final say.

          "I will protect her on my own watch, even if you say I'm not supposed to be looking after her at certain points of the day. I will protect her even when she's under your protection," I stated calmly.

          "So be it," he said and hung up. I slipped the phone into my coat pocket and returned my gaze to some point outside my window. Thoughts of Lex invaded my mind once again. I sighed, I wasn't sure if Alexis Reed would ever be mine or even if she should be, but I could not doubt my feelings for her.

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